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A fun twist on the incredibly popular Star Wars movies directed by a Bounty patron!


Attack of Princess Leia



Oh that's brilliant!!! The effects are amazing .....and what about that special guest at the end?!!! I'm loving Leia dripping with confidence! A superb custom to treasure!!! 🥰❤️‍🔥


And Secteur is right, there would be a huge appeal for this in a wider community. Niche Star Wars cosplay? Jeez....I'm just imaging the hits on that!!!!!


It’s interesting because apart from discord and sometimes when I post to instagram I cannot think of any other platforms to promote my work on


Fair point and I'm maybe not the best to answer that. I'm sure fellow Patreons may be able to advise. Just general sci-fi or Star Wars sites would be enthused but then again maybe not so keen on your Zako /death content. The standard of these customs is so high I'd imagine there must be some mileage in selling them. It's finding the right host and all that. But I'm 100% sure videos of a sexy Leia taking out sexy imperial Troopers would be gold dust to the right market.


Another excellent production Miss Lani! I am always amazed when your videos have that dramatic quality that builds tension and intrigue into a scene . What you do is outstanding in every venture, and your attention to detail with the special effects and Sci fi elements is so flippin cool! This may have been answered already, but did your Darth scene involve the green screen? Either way, just outstanding!


Agree with Mr Bootsman, sure posting short to your Tik Tok platform with some #starwars #leia #cosplay could open some new doors for your artwork !


Thankyou Chet! The darth clip was actually just two clips spliced together with my scene added on top as a PIP. The Vader clip was a free green screen effect I found on YouTube


I could totally do that though tiktok is so full of trolls and brain dead idiots that I feel ide get more people talking crap in the comments because they truley don’t understand it.


I’ve tired to upload in the past clips of my work and I’m just met with thirsty comments rather then appreciation towards the craft. So really it’s not worth it


That's a bit depressing but you make a good point and clearly apeak from experience. The ideal would be a site/forum when you know the vast majority will be interested in the core/subject of your work. They are out there!! Will have a think.....


You re surely right, I usually forgotten that most people on Socials are just dumb .... Maybe, you could ask Miss Kelly or Seline to share some "safe" place of Cosplay ? « La connerie humaine est aussi infinie que le cosmos, encore que pour le cosmos, je n’en suis pas si sûr. » Albert Einstein