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On set: Val, Sam, Vendetta, Lani, Rati and Mercury!

Zuvic and Tec scenes. Showing off new outfits for my Patreon, expenditures and a lot of high energy 





On late as usual but just would like to thank you for this BTS : A rush of pure positive energy, great soundtracks and especially enjoy the "1st" POV" at 6'00 followed by "worm view" .... Just like we were with SCUs for real ! And Miss Mercury seems to have well understood how make the trip fun with the gang ! Great !


Another cracking BTS!! I find the production clips fascinating and it adds to the fun when we see the final product. Gotta say I do love that brown body suit!! The damn thing seems stitched on you...it's a perfect fit!! Brown is the new Black I tell you!!! Oh and your soundtrack, where do you keep finding these crazy little tunes!!!! 🥰🥰


Thankyou! I try to add the making of scenes where I can without it becoming spoilers. But also providing a glimpse into all the awesome hard work the ladies and Photoman for the ND fans. The brown catsuit is so sexy! With the whites! It’s like coffee and cream. I love it. I sometimes have major brain fog when it comes to soundtracks to put behind the footage and that’s where my partner comes in to help me, helping choose some really upbeat tunes that fit the vibe of the video.