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With a run time of 23m , this BTS is really one of the best ever made!




Looks great! Getting very close to increasing my subscription tier! :-)


Actually, kindly help me out here... Obviously you are using the same sets as the regular Neon Dark productions. Can you explain the relationship between your shoots and Neon Dark's shoots? Do your shoots advance the ND universe in some way, or simply your own brand of independent fun with no ties to the ND plot line? Are there special effects (sounds and wound impacts) in your productions like ND? Anything else that can help me make sense of what I'm seeing here or in your other shoots? Thanks!


Hey Jason what a fantastic question! so anything that I show on here that has got neon dark uniform used has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline. Only certain customs from my Bounty Tier are allowed to use black factions uniforms if requested but permission must be granted from photo man himself. It’s only recently that photo man has been so kind to share his gunfire special effects with me. But again anything I shoot in uniform from set holds zero ties to NDs storyline or the ND episodes. Thankyou so much for asking!