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As the month comes to an end I just want to thank all of my patrons, old and new who helped me hit 52 patrons! what an amazing achievement. Everyones support has meant a lot to me, it has allowed me to explore different costumes/ projects  to bring each and every one of my patrons something new and exciting to look forward to, view and enjoy. Wether you are continuing into the next month or just dropping in the see what I love to create, I hope you all have enjoyed another month and I look forward to performing and creating more for you all

 Thankyou again. ❤️ Lani




That appreciation is right back atcha! You know it was adoration at first sight for me when I first saw you come on the ND scene. You had the look, the attitude, the energy and the enthusiasm and whilst other girls chose to play their roles in almost comedic pantomime villian style you played your feminine power straight, like you got it, like you loved it. Pretty soon your many artistic talents were revealed and then.... for god's sake!!.. it turned out you have the engaging personality to accompany your talents. I do think they may have broken the mould when they made you. A unique talent and a rare diamond of a person. Confession time- whilst I always knew I wanted to support you I never imagined your Patreon would develop into the powerhouse of sexy, exciting , innovative content that it has so obviously become. Your technical prowess has come on at such pace, your imagination is apparently as limitless as your energy and I'm afraid I'm gonna keep posting those damn mad scripts to you cos you're developing into one hell of an actor too!! Thank you for somehow finding the time to engage with all your fans. God knows you endure some drivel from me but you have no idea how rewarding it is for me, and no doubt many others, to be able to take such an immersive part in the superb art you create. You're bloody fantastic. You do know that, don't you? 😍😍🤩🤩

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-22 02:51:04 Oh and BTW- That picture is absolutely gorgeous!!!! The B&W really makes the white outfit stand out...and that ambivalent pose. That is probs amongst one of my favourite ever pics of you..and by god that's saying something!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😋
2022-05-30 21:22:43 Oh and BTW- That picture is absolutely gorgeous!!!! The B&W really makes the white outfit stand out...and that ambivalent pose. That is probs amongst one of my favourite ever pics of you..and by god that's saying something!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😋

Oh and BTW- That picture is absolutely gorgeous!!!! The B&W really makes the white outfit stand out...and that ambivalent pose. That is probs amongst one of my favourite ever pics of you..and by god that's saying something!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😋


It feels like such a long time ago since I started neon dark when really it’s only been a little over a year but gosh doesn’t the time fly and I’ve had your support since day one really so I guess you can now say we go way back 🥰😂


I soon realised that neon dark was a perfect place for me to really express my creative abilities as well as let out some of that craziness onset that I know I have but is also encouraged off camera but mostly on camera when we’re doing the action scenes


I knew what I wanted to bring to neon dark I knew I had something in me, though I never would have predicted just how much neon dark was going to mean to me


Photoman has clearly been a great mentor for you and built an environment where you can fluorish but I wonder whether he, or indeed any of us, could have predicted quite how much YOU would mean to Neon Dark. I've just watched the new episode and it probs contains some of the best all round acting from the cast I can remember..and it's a big cast. But so many of the performances have "coached by Lani" written all over them!!


And after an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement from photo man then came my Patreon. My little humble space of expression, art and of course all the saucy photos and videos thrown into the mix. I never really knew what I was going to post on here or where I was going to take it and even now at times I’m unsure but realistically it is still early days for me. I guess where I’m lucky is I have the privilege of having such an awesome mentor like Photoman steering me in the right direction, helping me better understand the how to’s. Not a lot of people get that when doing this type of work so it is something that I am incredibly grateful for. There’s one thing I do know though for certain is I’m having onehell of a time and creating content and bringing all of your fantasies is to life