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First lot of photos revealing my new character, but I need you help to name her and give her a personality!

heaps of photos coming soon in different outfits as well as more of this sweet little number.




A truly domineering outfit, perfect for you.


Geezus! No that is not a name nomination, just a reaction! I love this look! Boots, hair lingerie....wow Lani! Damn.....wow....geezus! Okay, so thinking she is a goddess....I mean look at you!. She may be cunning, clever, deceitful to get what she wants. Sweet and generous but don't turn your back. She is in charge and she knows it. Maybe Morrigan, from Irish mythology....known as the Great Queen, associated with war and doom, which she could predict. I think this character would definitely be in charge of her own future and destiny. Independent and self reliant. What ever you do with this character......I approve! Geezus! So hot!


Ooooo I love that name though i think I’ll save it for another character. You’ll understand why. I do like your suggestion for her personality, kinda like a sour patch gummy bear, first they’re sour then they’re sweet. I may need a new weapon just for her, my 44. Mag broke into three pieces on day when I was doing a custom, so until I properly repair it, I don’t have a handgun. Will definitely do some online shopping though, I think a sleek gun will be great for her, or even two! I can see her strutting around blasting girls with two hand guns. The possibilities I tell you!