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Thankyou so much for the wonderful year you all have shared with me. I honestly couldn’t of done it without the overwhelming amount of support that Ive received and just the overall encouragement i have from you all. thankyou again so much!! I hope you all have stayed safe during the holidays and I cannot wait to go into the new year with you 




Getting acquainted with you and your incredible talent and work was one of the high points of this year. Very grateful to you.


What an incredibly thoughtful thing to say, it has been so special to me ro be able to share my work with such wonderful people


2021 was the year of the Lani!! From that new recruit to BF wondering how she would fit in, to those first tentative reveals of the armed maid to the creation of Alexi. From your first ever expenditure lying on the floor, wriggling as you were "vaporised", to the evolving gymnastic physical stunts of the expenditures that followed. From the early custom work that relied on others for final production to your very own evolving amazing editing and production skills. From a small barely audible speaking role to domination of the whole series (and an inevitable award!!) on and on I could go...(no really!!😂) What a year of outstanding..and exciting.. work and development. Thank you for all the thrills you have provided. Bring on 2022!!!


If I could find the words to possibly express my appreciation to you attention to detail with my journey this year, I could write you a novel giving my thanks. I made it my mission to deliver awesome quality throughout all of my work amd the recognition seriously makes it all worth it. And Sincerly Thankyou with all of y heart for following me and supporting all I do. And I strive to entertain you so much more in the future.