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Who will risk their life sneaking into the BFC dressing quarters, to retrieve Lanis leotard? 




Your talent just keeps on giving Lani. This is a very dangerous mission I accept for you. My price is not measured in money. Because I may not live through this mission I will take full payment from your lovely person in advance. the fee; a full three day weekend at my place, you will be following my lead. You will not need your uniform for what I have planned for you!


Geezus, every day you bring something very special to this page. I love your art work! Always have! I think this one has become an immediate favorite. I have missed seeing these beautiful productions, but this was definitely worth the wait.💜❤️💜❤️💜


I’d be lying iF said that I haven’t been a unmotivated to draw anything as of lately with the crazies that life has had to offer at the moment but I finally found a day to myself to really put my head down and focus on creating a piece especially one that I am so incredibly proud of.


I never really posted the full set as there weren’t many photos from it, this was more me just taking pictures to test lighting! although there are heaps of chair poses under the Alexi tag