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Time flies, it's crazy seeing this memory pop up. How far I've come, the people I've met and experiences I've had has been unreal!!! It's crazy how now we are in a bigger studio and I'm so incredibly excited to create many many many more memories and wild expenditures for you all. 




Happy Anniversary YSGl! Chet has said it all and with eloquence but just wanted to say I remember very well this first picture and thinking "Wow" who is SHE? .....and my mouth has remained wow shaped pretty much ever since whenever I see your work. When you stood posing for that pic did you ever imagine 12 months later you'd be reading tributes to you on your own Patreon page?!! You have achieved so much and I have a strong feeling there is so much more to come. Gonna be such a pleasure and privilege to share that journey with you 🥰🥰🤗


Thankyou for the gorgeous words! Means a hell of a lot to me