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I had a lot of collaborations fall through this year, by no fault of the Artists. The economy is crazy, time to dedicate to longer running things dries up, so many behind the scenes things have been happening to adjust to those major changes. From working to reach out and work with more people, to applying my graphic design skills to do some of the art myself.

Above is an example, Red re conceptualized "Her Milfy Possesions"'s cover using their style in roughs, then I lined it, colored, shaded and added effects.  On top of commissions and drives, I also have a comic and VisualNovel Game in the works. They are risky, and of course cost more to produce, but in the long run bring amazing new options for my supporters to help get made.

A major change for this is many Comics, concept and test runs of the games will be moved to the $8 tier along with short stories when they resume. All these things take more effort, time and money so they need to be adjusted.

Commissions, Drives, and guest comics will still appear on the $5 tier ($3 if it involves furrys)

I hope you enjoy the things to come with great artist like Red V, LunarSpy, RabidCowolf, Jakal and more, and I hope my art isn't to disappointing running along side all these great collaborators.






I joined your Patreon at the beginning of the month after seeing the summer of transformation pieces, and that there were stories to go with them. Are these stories going to be released soon, or have they been delayed indefinitely?


good see this come back


There are some shorts with them, I'm just new to writing inanimate so they are taking longer to iron out then I expected. Writing first person POV for non humanoid forms is a challenge to be sure. But I would count the stories as extras and the art was the main post. My top priority is getting pieces done that people paid for and mixing in things like the Summer of transformation as I go.


Hope you don't mind the change in style, we need to redo the first few pages so it all matches