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PART 2 >> 

Here's a commission I did, a cartoon Parody I did with art I worked on with Red V. It's freshman year of college, and a certain ghost-powered super hero ends up in a very different dimension, inside a very womanly version of himself. Will he find a way home? Or will he be doomed to live out his live as a spectral streaming model bombshell, fighting ghosts and selling "personalized videos" via their Lonely Fans?

We'll have to so I guess *wiggles eyebrows*




Ah, this is what happens when you astral project and forget to drop a pin where your body is.


Good to know. Also, if you ever consider doing this with a different cartoon character, might I suggest Ben from Ben 10: Ultimate Alien? His whole gimmick is transformation, yet gender-flips with him are still interesting.