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As we try to wrap up our May suggestion comics it's time for all of you to put in what you would like to see in June! KaiJune that is. That's right, the over arching theme is Giant Ass Women. Monster Girls, Girls turned giant, you name it! But as always, here's the rule twist...

1. Must be a concept that can be said in 1 line (the highest voted will go on a poll for all to decide)
2. It Must Involve one of these 

A. A Disney Animated Property (TV or Movie) 

B. Nintendo Character

C. or Someone from  the Godzilla Monsterverse

3. You must put a like on at least one other person's idea

Additional Transformations on top of these are acceptable (gender swap, monster tf, etc)

That's it, That's the Prompt, Now show me what you got! Post your ideas in the replies below!




Zelda gets big enough to squash Ganon flat.


Prince Eric and Ursula swap roles / positions in the scene where Ursula grows big with the Trident.


Jessie Mothra tf.


Daisy gets a Mega-Mushroom that makes her big in more ways than hieght.

Sample-Art Comics

Daisy and Luigi find some new power ups... Bimba Flowers. Daisy loves her new bimbo girlfriend.