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Art by Guest Artist Tail-Blazer 

Detective Childers was already annoyed at the spike in transformations in Cyber City this month. Being told the available medics all went home due to claw gouges and that he would have to administer some of the demorphing drugs to the people in the holding cells.

"Okay, who gets the de-clawing stuff?" He asked.

"The one we pulled in from China Town. Had a bit too wild of a time, literally." The guard pointed to a video feed.

"Woah, play that back for me?" Childers’s eyes widened as he watched the flash of teeth and fur that was the prisoner. The feed paused and rewound till he had a clear view of a redhead in tight black leather pants and a purple top with gold trim. She would have just seemed like a drunk with an attitude if it wasn’t for the fangs behind her lips, and large black claws lengthening out of her fingertips.

“It’s not my fault! Someone gave me a spiked fortune cookie for the Chinese New Year Party!” The detainee whose file referred to her as ‘Jessie’ growled. “Which is pretty f’d up considering fortune cookies aren’t even Chinese in origin. Hey, Hey take it easy.”

Detective Childers gulped as he saw her sink her claws into the metal table, her body arching as she let out a sensual moan. All up and down her back, black stripes appeared, slowly filled by white fur erupting from her skin. “I’m warning you, I’m horny and hungry and whatever was in that cookie is making it hard to decide what you would best satiate. Raaawr!” Jessie’s ears rounded and migrated to the top of her skull. Her spine formed a small nub just above her pants, pushing out with each wriggle and twist till a fully formed tigers sail was swishing and flicking into the faces of the men trying to pull her off the table.

“Let go! I was the victim!” The ginger whimpered as her face pushed out into a muzzle, her fangs and claws menacingly elongating. “I have rights!” She dragged a long feline tongue over the guard’s bicep. “Oooo have needs!”

The men were having a harder and harder time pulling her out of the room as her muscles bulged and swelled. The prisoners' leather pants creaked as her ass cheeks firmed and grew, pulling her bottoms tight against every curve and crevice. “I’m horny and hungry, get me my lawyer, and a burger, or I’m just gonna eat whatever you have laying around!” She snuck in with a whisper, winking at her guard as she easily pinned him against the wall with her tits. “What’s your name, snack?”

Childers stared opened mouthed at the video. “Jeeeeeezus” was all he could manage. “Do we have any info on whether her story is true or not?”

“Still trying to go through all the reports detective, tonight is another busy night.” Said the intake guard, nursing a bandage on his arm.

“Welp, hopefully, this is the right stuff, and we’ll get more answers when she’s not pacing the cell like a caged…” he stopped before saying animal. “Whatever, I’m going in, open the cell for me.”

“Careful man, she’s definitely starving, and in heat!” The last phrase made Childer’s head snap back. In heat?

“Hey there…” purred the woman, white tiger fur covering all her curves, clothes about to burst from her added size. “Looks like it’s your lucky year, Tiger”

He was happy the pun insinuated he wasn’t looking appetizing, but was still unnerved by how easily her claws were digging into the cement wall as she clawed and arches showing him her puffy camel… or… tiger toe? Not to mention what may happen if you turn down a horny woman who’s now a foot taller than you with a smile of two-inch teeth.

Happy New Year, indeed.
