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"Ah, what better time of year to target thirsty Crypto-Banking Creeps looking for a bimbo to to bang... than valentines. So easily do they mistake a lusty looter for a lonely looser, willing to flop into whatever position they want to 'invest' into.

It's a perfect plan! Play the pliable "here to please you" woman, while I take all your security codes for that stashed coin you've been ripping off your money clumsy clients."

Just a little sprits of "Venus de Bimbo" transformative perfume and shhhhh

cough cough

Okay that's a bit much

Bwoomf wobble wobble

Like, hey and stuff! -cough-  Can we, like, quit it. I think we've had um like a lot or something!

Red, turn it off! LIKE! TURN IT OFF!"

Art is by my partner in crime RED V. Writing, Concept, and Graphic layout by me. Part two of the bimbolicous outcome will post on Valentine's Day, and the story version will follow!

Like and leave a message on what kinds of heists you all would like to see!




Oops. Makes note - "Next time, a little dab'll do ya."


I'm thinking an influencer scheme.... "Get inside your fave pin-up BookfaceVR icon~" except you swap their BFVR ava with the influencers.....full dive immersion :D