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A bit of an update to the look at feel of the Spice Rack here. I'll always be the kind Spice Witch brewing Transformation for my near and dear friends, but lately... the world has gotten kind of sucky. Covid, Idiots on Government, NFT-grifters, just icing on the cake of unresolved problems for decades. But as a creative I'm just going to focus on those battles.

You know, the bloated industry machine that says what content is worth making, how little artist are worth paying, what expression is acceptable and what needs to be banned, burned, or censored into obscurity.

What about us? Down in the art slums craving our kinks and safe spaces far from judgmental eyes and creepy abusers.

Like seriously, welcome to the Jessie 'Villain" arc. No more bottled up sexuality, no more holding back for fear of judgment. I've got mugs of beer and jugs of well... I mean, I have Jugs (not like anyone missed that) and I am forming a supporter army to grow the kink, to smuggle the smut, to leverage a league of lewd and an 'evil' plan of erotica in the eyes of puritanical potentates who would prevent our perverseness. As you can see, I and the artist who made it (Red V) are poised to push into 2022 on our own terms. Anti-heroes, 'villains' to some... I am the vigilante of Va-Va-Voom, and I ask you, will you join me!?

On top of the flavor changes, we'll be aiming to do stories in a new world, adding a thank you swag bag of goodies for annual supporters, and creating ranks!

Prepare for the sunset on the Spice Rack, and the moonrise over our new Villainous lair of creativity, comics, and conversation...
Club IllumiNaughti!




*salutes* My liege! Lead, and I shall follow!


I await to see what black abyss you shall rise from. What lurid and strange dreams you will share from shaded depths of your mind. To break down the manufactured facades of what is decent and proper.