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Just wanted to show everyone a preview of the Sci-fi September Pin-up (the galactic bounty hunter Jesso-Star isn't sci-fi'ed up yet) but also encourage more chatter on my pages. I love hearing from people and my patreon is a library of quiet admiration. So tell me, if I were to take suggestions for let's say... November on the pin-up Jess in the $5 tier, what THEMES would you be interested in seeing.

Like Sci-fi had Space Cadet, Love bot 3000, and Galactic Bounty Hunter as the things that fit in the sci-fi theme, so throw me your themes and an example of an option for them below. And if you see others you like be sure to like those patron posts too! Who knows, your suggestion might end up in the Poll! 



Sample-Art Comics

I'd love an old-timey Space/sci-fi movie poster theme.


Sci-fi was this go and I Space cadet was going to be that. We're looking for a new theme NOT sci-fi for November


November is tough...I'm gonna go the obvious and say something with a Turkey theme...