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So September I plan to have a stream of shorts and events for the community, it's been through a lot this year so I just want to do a lot of free stuff for people.  I'll still get patreon exclusives for you guys, it's just not any huge plans or arcs. If you don't follow me on Twitter @JessieStarTF I'm going to be holding a month long OktoberJess event where you can vote of TF brews... sparks some free poems, drunk tweeting Saturdays. Just lots of fun community things.

This last part, connected to the image above... is about the Jessie Grow-A-Thon. I didn't really bring up this was happening because I found out AFTER it started, and two you are my constant supporters so I didn't feel right about... putting something in here for MORE money. But now that it's winding down, I want to add a story to it which can give you all content. I'll post the first few for everyone and the entire series for anyone on a tier for the Breast Buy Comic. This drive was created by Tail-Blazer and Moose80085.. the year was hard on me losing my job and my dad, and now my mom is also in the hospital with Covid so the ran a fund raiser to help me because I wouldn't ask for help.  For those that asked me how to go about it... you send money to Pay Pal at moonsequoia@gmail.com with a note about whether you want your donation to go to boobs, ass, or size (giantess growth style)

Please do not feel obligated to give, it's helping me so much already along with the constant support you give me. Any donations will be used for healthcare bills and buffer while I job hunt... and any art that comes out of what you sponsor I'll turn into part of this multi captions story. Thanks for you constant support darlings...

for the next part of the story check out PART 1 




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