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                                                     A BREAST BUY

                                                SIDEboob STORIES

                                                     By Jessie Star

Based on the Comic By MoosenTracks8008 and Jessie Star

SBS1: Hellooooo Karen

“T-tiffany, aren’t you going use the downsizer before you go?” Nelly asked her coworker, trying hard to not side glance at the blond’s taught, breast stuffed polo.

“Eh” Tiffany shrugged her shoulders, her bra creaking as her melon sized rack swayed in response. The employees eyes never left her phone

“D-do you erm…” Nelly began to blush as her question formed, “enjoy being that big?”

“Eh” Tiffany continued checking her phone unbothered. Nelly could only gulp, if Tiffany wasn’t going to step away to use the downsizer then Nelly wouldn’t need to step in.

“So… are you gonna take the next customer?” Nelly’s finger pointed to a line of about 10 people, all waiting and showing different levels of impatience and agitation. 

Tiffany took a deep sigh and started to say the words “Next” but someone had swooped in from the side and cut off the next woman in line before Tiffany could spit out the “xt”. “Mam there is a line”

“Yes there are a lot of lines, and I keep getting sent to the wrong ones, is this where you do customer pick up?” The blond woman looked like every accessory to her appearance cost $150 from her haircut to her silver bangles and earrings. Even her “powder blue” scarf was probably woven together in a third world sweatshop for only the highest end retailers, and sold for what would amount to Tiffany’s paycheck. She looked over her reflective rose gold sunglasses at Tiffany like the girl was being offensive just for existing. Just wait till this lady got to know her! These types of people were Tiffany’s favorites. The entitled, demanding trophy wives and soccer moms of the world, who felt like going to the gym to preserve their youth was their full time job… though looking at this woman’s hips crammed into her tiny designer stretchy shorts, maybe that part didn’t apply.

“Mam, you need to go to the back of the line and we will-”

“Excuse me, but I was in the front of the lines I was directed to falsely and that’s not my fault, so I refuse to wait again. I’ve already wasted five minutes of my very busy day.” Five minutes? How many lines could she have wrongfully stood in for five minutes? “Now, I know you may not grasp this having to just sit behind a counter all day but some of us have very important things to get done in a very particular order and time frame.”

Tiffany blinked, and then blinked again. This woman was for real. This woman was fully on some cloud of vanity and self-worth that made her a queen in her own eyes. The type to boil over on the slightest perceived transgression. This woman… was perfect. “Well...My bad. What are you picking up today?” Tiffany popped a piece of gum in her mouth as the woman handed her her phone with a digital hold order and her ID for a video game called “Back Trackers.” One sec I’ll look it up.. Er, mam. You ordered this five minutes ago.”

“Yes when I pulled up” she wiggled uncomfortably and tugged at her shorts.

“You did read in your confirmation email it could take up to 45 minutes,” Tiffany blew a bubble with her gum until it popped, sucking it back in between her lips. “Right?”

“Oh yeah right, like that’s believable. I’m not an idiot, I can send an email to my husband and he gets it almost instantaneously.” The woman rolled her eyes in annoyance and then tugged at her shorts even more. Tiffany wanted to explain that yes, personal email can, but business email can land in a cue, and there may be other orders that hold up getting it as quickly as we would like but she was distracted by the woman’s lower half. From the waist down the blonde woman’s ass and hips were twice the size of when she had waddled in. She could set her purse on her hip like a shelf, and a few of them on her overly swollen backside. “Ahem, I’m still here.” The woman tapped her foot starting to look anxious and annoyed.

“Right right well Ms. Karen-”

“Mrs.” the woman corrected.

“Mrs. Karen..” Tiffany held in an internal ‘bleh’, this woman couldn’t be more on the nose or cringe.

“And don’t call me Mrs. either.. Makes me feel old.” Karen shuddered.

Tiffany stared at her unblinking, then turned to the computer she was typing on. “Well Karen, your order for the game “Backtrackers” has been accepted but I haven’t seen it pulled yet.

“Well check again, maybe it was brought up while you were lost checking your tweets!” Karen sneared and shook her head.

Tiffany, who had looked over her shoulder at the shelves when the woman had first asked, blew a bubble as slow as she could and then popped it. “Of course... my bad” she said as she turned behind her to the pick up shelves. She swayed over to one side pretending to look at the empty shelves, “hmmmm” and after a good long look at empty air she bounced to the shelves on the right and gave it the same treatment. Finally she turned and with a half smile said. “Nope, still not there.”

“Are you kidding me-E” Karen’s voice rose into a squeak as her bottoms pulled even tighter in the front and back… seams creaking from the strain. “Look… my son, I picked up the wrong game for him and his little forums or whatever said “Backtrackers” would undo my issue.”


“Yes!” Karen hissed trying to subtly indicate her inflating backside, the line behind her started taking steps backwards as it surpassed a pair of pumpkins in mass and size. “The elephant in the room..”

“Ah yes… your elephant” Tiffany nodded to Karen’s blimping behind.

Karen seethed “Yes, which is why I would like to return this abomination of a game and get the thingy to fix it.” She threw the opened box on the counter but Tiffany had failed to see what state it was in.

“And… I don’t see Women Warriors:Outlands Asspansion anywhere on your purchase history. Do you have a printed receipt?” Tiffany droned on as the tightly wound blonde became more red and more flustered and more and more bottom heavy by the moment.

“Then there is something wrong with your system! I know what I bought, a good customer like this shouldn’t have to jump through so many hoops to get good service!” Karen huffed

“My bad” Tiffany replied, the woman’s growling reaction punctuated by the ripping of material. The busty sales associate searched by name, husband’s name, son’s name, multiple credit cards. Nothing. “Look mam… I don’t think you bought this here. There is no record and without a receipt-”

“I want to speak to your manager!” Karen finally played her last card even as she dug through her purse for a receipt. Tiffany had to grit her teeth, this lady was pushing her from apathetic to actually annoyed. A quick glance up and Tiffany saw Jess enter the building wearing sunglasses and drinking a soda from the sandwich shop that matched her bag of lunch. She took four steps in before she saw the giant bottom waiting at customer service, sharply turned and walked off quickly to take her lunch in the loading bay instead.

“Wait, this game is opened?” Tiffany said finally picking it up

“So?” said the angry customer.

“We can’t exchange an open game for a different game. Only the same game.” Tiffany popped her bubble again. Karen’s left eye twitched every time that bubble popped.

“That makes no sense whatsoever. Why would I want the same game?”

“Because we only accept exchanges on open games if it’s defective, and need a replacement. Otherwise we would be the world’s cheapest game rental company. So between no receipt and an open game-”

“Did you hear me? Can you understand the words coming out of my mouth?” seethed the Karen in a slow and insulting tone, like an idiot may talk to someone in a foreign country. Her hand whipped out a receipt and waved it around “I… want… your manager miss…” she looked down at the name tag on Tiff’s large left tit “Tiffany”

“Listen” Tiffany said as she started to walk behind the wall to the Teat Squad, “I’ll grab my manager for you but she’s gonna tell you the same thing I did. But before that I suggest you leave the store.”

Riiiip went Karen’s shorts, showing more and more of her undies. “Oh really young lady?! And why is that?! Because I’m making a scene?! Because you don’t want the other customers knowing what sort of terrible customer service Breast Buy offers it’s paying customers?”

Tiffany slowly turned back to the Karen while sending her friend pictures of the woman’s growing problem. “Because if you don’t stop making an ass of yourself you won’t be able to fit through the door.” Two guys in the line cheered, the audience obviously watching the whole rude debacle grow, and Tiffany added “also that receipt is for a Mickey Tease” as she disappeared behind the wall.

Karen was so.. Angry! She had never been treated in such a way. Normally these people just bent after her first complaint, that was good service. This… infuriating girl, oh she would pay. This girl Tiffany had no right to show her, a paying customer, such attitude. As soon as she got her manager she- gurgle-gobble went her behind. “Wh-what in the-” Bwomf! Her ass surged again ripping her shorts to pieces and maxed her underwear to its final threads. “Hello! Can you hear me back there!? I demand assistance!” Burble-bobble! Karen tried to turn around to see what was happening, her ass was both sinking lower and yet still high as ever, just expanding in all ways. And worse it was absorbing her thighs! Angry, embarrassed, and becoming a bit worried she began to get more and more flustered. “She’ll get her manager, and I’ll have my son’s game for free by the end.” BWOMF! “LOOK AWAY!” she screamed at some snickering teens trying to hide her rear ass it inflated more, now absorbing her calves as well. “What’s taking so long?!”

                                                                        ~  +  ~

“Okay so just so I make sure we’re on the same page” Tiffany asked “if I give you my money you can pick up tacos for me?”

“Sure Tiff it’s not a biggie, we do group lunch runs for the Teat Squad all the time.” Jazzie smiled as she worked on a laptop.

“Yeah but I just..thought it was a Teat Squad thing. Didn’t know if we could get in on it as blue shirts.”

“Heck yeah why wouldn’t you?!” Jazzy chuckled as she watched Tiffany get out her money. “Was that all you came back for? To know how we do lunch runs and if you could be in on it.”

Tiffany sighed “I dunno, I just heard you talking about lunch and realized I was hungry. There was something else… but I dunno if you wanna deal with it.”

“Is it… a big problem?” Jazz asked.

“Well how long have I been back here?” Tiffany asked

“Um.. maybe 8 minutes or so?”

“Yeah… probably a really big problem now.” Tiffany sighed.

Jazzy just squinted, sensing she better prepare herself.

                                                                      ~  +  ~

Tiffany came back out to the customer service desk and stopped in her tracks. In front of her was the angry customer, but now suspended an extra foot in the air, not by her legs, no, but attached to a giant wall of ass. Karen was now screaming and cursing, her waist sinking into fat with no legs or feet to be found. “Where were you!? Look at what’s happening to me from my son downloading your damn dangerous software. What were you doing?!” She shrieked.

“I was being ASSertive mam. Wanted to ASScertain the best person to help you with your problem. I ASSumed that’s what you wanted?” Tiffany smirked as Jazzy pushed her way through to the front desk.

“Okay mam, Tiffany told me your issue and I have “Backtrackers” right here so we can ring you up and get you sorted.” Jazz tried to maintain a calming smile for the furious custom who was now a top half attached to an ass that triple her body mass.

“After all I’ve been through… all this horrible service, I demand you return the game that did this, and give me an extreme discount on the new game!” Karen crossed her arms as she made her demand, her midriff sinking into her growing wobbly rear of a body.

“Mam… federal regulations require us to not take in open games outside of replacing it as defective. It has to do with piracy and-”

“DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN PIRATE!” Screamed the Karen, her breasts beginning to merge with her ginormous mountain of rump, top tearing as it no longer fit her new shape.

“Well she sure has the booty for it.” Tiffany added with a bland self amused smirk.

“I’m going to have all your jobs! This is discrimination! This is criminal!” Her hands tried to push herself out of her own ass mass like a fight against quicksand, but they sunk in as well, her arms slowly added to her growing backside. “I will not be swindled by some angsty, shit service, store a cretins. What?! Why are you looking at me like that!?” Her voice was getting higher and higher, like a strangled chicken, but that was not the reason everyone’s eyes and mouths were wide open in shock. Karen’s top had just fallen to the floor as her shoulders finished sinking into the giant jiggling globes behind her. She was just a very red face attached to a very big ass “I demand to talk to corporate, get your CEO on the line! I’ll have you all fired! Fired and done and mmmph, mmm eeeek mm mmggrrr… mmmmm!” ffffwomp!

Where once had been a verbally and emotionally abusive Karen was now a pale, gigantic quivering ass. Bigger around than four people holding hands, it sat like a giant fleshy heart shaped boulder, giving off a shudder every now and then possibly indicating Karen’s fury, if in a much quieter, awkward expression of frustration.

“Okay, I finished lunch!” Jessie clapped and rubbed her hands. “Still need me?”
The store members and customers all nervously pointed at the “Karen” which Jess just stared at for a while. “Welp, I’m not gonna talk to her like that, was this in any way our fault?” She turned to Jazzy who just shook her head no. “Well cool… let’s get the fork lift and put her outside… no shoes, no head, no service.. or whatever. Call her husband to pick her up.”

“What about the game she wanted, there’s like one left.” Tiffany asked, followed by a bubble pop.

Jess bit her lip and thought “Did she pay?” Tiffany signaled no.

“No, just set it for pick up but wanted to pay for it via exchange.”

“Then you know the rules, twenty-four hours and then back to shelf. Come on people! Lots of customers to help!” Jessie signaled to the line. “Mam if you could step around the ass we can get you taken care of.”

BREAST BUY SIDEboob STORIES are meant to highlight the supporting characters of Breast Buy story 80085, if there are any characters you would love to see more of in the future let us know! That you for your continued Patreon support, we really want to keep it at least one Breast Buy post a week and we hope that the funding will continue to grow so the time we are putting in makes sense. We love all of you!




So... much... fun. :)


As someone who worked retail, this is erotica.