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Moving forward in an effort to keep my patreon growing and viable for both myself and you my lovelies I'm considering the following up grades to my site and would like you to weigh in.

$1 would change from a tip jar to hosting a once a week comic/story combo this revenue would be shared with my artist friend

$2 would remain my Spice Rack Stories with the both the censored and uncensored versions, the censored an early release, the uncensored an exclusive

$3 would be a combo of 1 and 2. It's the only way to keep all the money accounted for that needs to be split for the comic without forcing people who are just here for the story to go to $3

This way everyone who is supporting me get's something and often, while still having the power to select what you like.

$15 will remain limited to the number it is for now and will not be increased until I can get them and everything else done at a steady pace

All these plans would kick in after I recover, just curious what everything thinks




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