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That's the link for the day before by the way.. after all this whole thing is based on the 12 days of Christmas Song! But todays is an expansion piece won by the super friendly SnowChanDA for my twitter mile stone, which we've already hit another so if you like free stories be looking for the opportunity to pop up on my Twitter now for your second story gift!  

                                                                 Ever Bubble Bubble Gum

                                                                         By Jessie Star

Sera stretched and yawned, arching her back causing her chest to pull the stretchy holliday costume tight over her bosom. The thin blonde girl had been setting up holiday treats in the breakroom and the short lived humor of dressing as one of Santa’s elves was now lost on her. As she unwrapped tray after tray of cookies, candies, and vegetables for the calorie abstainers she just felt silly. Her outfit was multiple shades of green with red on the collar and was exceptionally form fitting. Where her modestly curves hips and rear were served well in the green skirt, Sera’s hefty breast left nothing to the imagination, and a wide black belt on her midsection served to further their dominance. The thing was wide and shiny and ridiculously sized to ever be practical, more a corset look than a functional piece. Between that and the curled toed shoes with the floppy hat her short blonde hair was shoved in, she may be adorable to some but she herself had lost the amusement. Catching her reflection in the punchbowl all she could think was “disgruntled mall elf at the Santa booth”

“There, everything is ready for people to stuff their faces and get sugar...highs” her held tilted to the side seeing a packet of gum she hadn’t noticed, and hadn’t placed, between the punch and goofy snowman cookies. “Well.. look at what we have here,” she picked up the packer reading it’s branding. “Ever Bubble Bubble Gum…  the bubble never stops. Huh. I mean I am a fan of gum” she said unwrapping a stick with a giggle and shoving it in her mouth. But the minute she bit down she realized something was off. Her mouth was simultaneously flooded with cherry flavoring and.. Fizz? Her mouth was filling with what felt like carbonated foam. She swallowed quickly and looked at the packaged again. It’s busty mascot surrounded by bubbles and smiling. “What is there baking soda in this or mmrg bblllbl” she started sputtering as her mouth filled with foam again. How many bubbles were in this thing. Another gulp and she felt the foam make its way to her stomach and then...somewhere else. There was a tiny flutter in her breasts. Little stirs of pleasure like and air bubble working its way to her nipple. And then another and another.  The feeling made her warm and flustered, she stood with one hand on the table, and the other on her belly as she flushed to the growing pleasure and pressure in her breasts. The whole time swallowing more fizzy flavoring on every 4th chew. “Oh my.. Wh-what is this sensssaaaah!” she let out a gasp as she felt her tits firm and swell just and inch inside her costume. “Woah, are my tits swellllnnnggg” she threw both hands on the table as they stretched a little more, pulling her a little tighter, the line of her bra made clear as Sera’s chest move beyond a proper fit. So distracting were the feelings of warmth and pleasure and fullness she continues to chew the gum and swallow the fizz, regardless of how the straps of her bra dug into her shoulders and back. It was starting to get hard to breath as her previous D cups swelled two sizes bigger then they were, her flesh firming and losing some jiggle while it pushed against her ribs, making it harder to breath. “Damn it must be the gum, I should stop before I-”

With a pop and a snap Sera’s bra came undone from the sheer pressure. “Oh wow… much better” she sighed. Both the back strap a shoulder strap had torn, allowing her to wiggle out of it and pull it out of her sleeve. “Much… better” the blonde panted examining the bra that now looked far too small for the melons inflating under her costumes green material. Her skin now felt pulled tight, but instead of pain they radiated with throbbing pleasure with her nipples hard and aggressively outlined against the stretchy fabric. It was like her breasts were full of air and her nippls were the corks that were pressurizing till they popped off. “I s-should spit it out, ssstop swallowing” she stammered, but she also had an issue. Deep down, Sera enjoyed inflation. She enjoyed it in the most erotic of fashions. And what should have been painful and dangerous was instead nothing but pleasure. And so, the stretching continued. Maybe.. Just a little more she thought. Just.. a couple more minutes yes? Each of her breasts were now bigger than her head, the top of her elf outfit stretched thin, revealing a canyon of cleavage filling with perspiration from her breasts and face. She tentatively rubbed them until her fingers traced over her thumb sized nipples. “EEEAAAAAH” she screamed and stumbled, landing on the table, her ballooning breasts crushing cookies to crumbs. The impact sent a tidal wave of pleasure from her chest down to her panties, which she flooded immediately. As her eyes rolled back she screamed, and gasped… and swallowed the piece of gum.

Now if she had read the warning on the pack she would have understood two things. The gum was made for inflation but had the safety guard of adding elasticity to ones body. The bad side, it was only meant to be chewed for slow and easy growth, swallowing it was highly warned against. It seemed stomach acid unleashed the fizzing ten times faster than a person’s chewing. Sera couldn’t think to read warning let alone realize she had swallowed the gum. She attempted to spit, her breath smelling heavily of cherry, until her stomach started making extreme gurgling sounds. “Oh… oh boy” Sera felt her stomach bulge against her costumes belt, creaking with strain until it had not more room. Hundreds of pleasurable bubbles trapped with nowhere to go but up. “Aaah Oh. OH shit!” she whined and cursed as her breast began to vibrate with pressure and pleasure. She desperately reach in front of her chest interlocking her hands, hugging her mammaries in a vane attempt to hold their growth. The normally thin woman looked like a cartoon characters trying to contain her breasts as the moved passed the size of basketballs, arms shuddering as the grip of her fingers began to slip. “Ssssoooo much… p-pressure!!” BAM!!

Sera fell on her ass from the sudden explosion of her belt, which flew into the punch bowl as she was thrown to the ground. To her relief she found not only had her breast stop expanding but she was able to push them back to a slightly smaller size, even if that action almost made her cum a second time. It was there on the floor, thinking she had evaded an extreme outcome, that the flustered and horny woman dressed as an elf with watermelon sized breast felt her body rize a little higher off the ground. And not just once, it was continuing. Her thoughts caught up to the sensation when she felt that same familiar pleasurable bubbling and pressure surging in her hips and thighs, ending at last in her ass. “Damnit!” She struggled to get to her feet, already feeling the rub of her inflating thighs. Nothing had stopped, it had just found new avenues to flow. With a hand on the snacks table she rose slowly, her whole body felt tight and stiff. Sera let out another moan as the swell and bloat made it’s ways to her more intimate areas. Her panties creaked as they were swallowed by both her inflating ass cheeks a puffy woman hood. The candy cane stockings on her legs began to look more like peppermint tree trunks and as her thighs wobbled and grew her hips billowed outwards to accommodate. “So full.. Sooo fulll I need to get hhhelp” she tried to walk putting her hands on a gut she couldn’t see below her breasts, but it was swelling out as well, moving into the size of a woman ready to birth a baby. She looked like she put on a 100 pounds even though it was all just air. “Just go to the door and scream for .. Oh… nggggg” Between her legs the panties no longer had any stretch left, pulling tighter and tighter against her swollen mound and clit...it was too much. “Ahhhhhhh” She went off again as the panties popped. Giving her a very temporary relief. If only the peak of the mind shattering orgasm has deflated her pressure and not just her energy. Sera stumbled backwards, her ass hitting the table way sooner than it should have. She let out a disturbed groan when she felt the table on her bare ass. Her rear had outgrown both the skirt and her tights, which rolled down further with each surge. The cold air and table making her insanely sensitive ass flesh double her warmth. “Damn it.. I’m.. gonna be too big to get through the door.” she panted, feeling both exhausted and yet full of buzzing erotic pressure. There was only one choice… she had to throw up the gum. Gross but there was no other-

Sera bent her arm towards her face… but the muscle and flesh of her shoulder and arm were pumped so full that they couldn't even bend half way. She tried again as her sides bloated out, she could hear the steady gssssssh of cherry flavored air filling her form but she couldn’t reach her throat with either hand. The seams of her elf costume began popping down her side side exposing more stretched skin to the cold office air, on fire with arousal.  Any movements became an exaggerated waddle. If she couldn’t reach her face there was no way she would reach a door handle. “I can barely move… I gotta… call fffrrr heellmmmmp” her words were swallowed as her cheeks and face puffed up with air. “Mmmm mmmph mm” she whined, but it was no good. Her ability to scream for help was now taken away by her swollen face and neck. She stopped struggling for a moment to try and think. She was still growing with no signs of it slowing down, and worse every inch of her body was as sensitive as any nerve could ever be. From her toes to her face, all her inflated flesh felt on the verge of orgasm. Only able to breath out of her nose, she felt lightheaded from all the stimulus and teetered backwards falling on her ass. Her rear’s cheeks like two giant bean bag chairs and the impact made her tight as a drum ballooning body orgasm again. Tears of pleasure flowed and ran down her bulbous face. As some point sensation became hard to understand. Her clothing gone, most of her body was in places she was not used to, spreading out foot after foot. She wiggled her toes and fingers as her legs and arms disappearing into the giant ball of her new inflated existence. She should be afraid. Scared for her life… but everytime such thoughts tried to form she was pummeled by another release of pleasure as her body spread across the room knocking over treat tables and punch bowls, her blushing face and rolling eyes rising up towards the ceiling, lost in inflated bliss.



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