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Hallooooooo my spooky lovelies. I'm gonna admit right now, this story got away from me. It was meant to be a two parter and I have created monster and it is rampaging across the internet... in a good way. It looks like it will be a story stitched together over 5 parts with each one spookier and steamier than the last.

*Clears throat and talks in spooky announcer voice* Is Victor losing his mind? Is there a piece of Amelia still alive in him egging him on or is that just his psyche's way of coping? Will they escape, or will it be much better to succumb to their new lives. Join the story 3 weeks after the events of chapter 2, as we rise to a climax muhahahaha! *cough cough* sorry that's a hard voice to do!

Part 1! 

Part 2! 



Bal tha mele

Wonderful work! This is quickly becoming one of my personal favorites :)


Really loving this story! I'm hoping it's the latter on both Questions 2 and 3, though it's due to their own self-acceptance as opposed to being consumed by an alien entity.