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So first off, Holy Hell and thank you for your early support. People who jump in right at the beginning before there's even much product show such an extreme amount of trust and faith, it warms my heart and gets my story typing fingers a dose of extra adrenaline. To celebrate all of you amazing lovelies, anyone who joins my patreon from August to December, and stay's on board till New Years get's to be in the "Founders Club". As a gift to everyone who's been here from the beginning, starting next year each founder will be worked into a story via OC (Original Character) cameo! We'll talk, get the details of your characters appearance, personality, related transformation and BOOM! Some time next year, you'll find yourself in a story by Jessie Star!

My next bit of business involves my first goal. I've been having a hard time securing as much gas money as I need for my long commutes and often find my self running out of (and by extension begging for money for) gas. So I've slapped our first goal up there. If I can get $25 a month from patreon I'll no longer be begging in the streets for food for my car, and as a reward I will open up a new $2 tier called "an Extra Kick". within in it I will not only do monthly poles to let you lovelies have a say in what Transformations should be coming down the pipeline, but I'll also put some of my definitely NSFW erotica stories for grabs in that tier. $25 bucks a month and we're already at $16 so... I'm pretty sure you'll be having me write the naughty very soon. As I put out stories, if you really enjoy them or my work, share them. The more people see, the more that might want to support me making work for them and you, And Battah-Bing Battah-Boom, Goal secure! 

Love Always,
Jessica Estrella (Jessie Star)



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