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1x04: "Wrath of Con"

Next: Dollhouse 2x01 on Sat 12/9 (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)

edit: sorry!! had a family thing run way later than i thought, so it’ll be posted Sun! trust me, im mad about it 😭 i wanna watch rnnnn

THESE ABSOLUTE NERDS!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! them and their little costumes going under cover and investigating!!! UGH!

Need me a friendship like Veronica and Wallace 3




The weird slightly higher pitched voices shouldn't distract me so much but here we are...


I love this episode. Admittedly I don't care that much about the case of the week (though Veronica and Wallace are such wholesome bffs and always a joy to watch) but I just love these flashbacks. They start to flesh out these characters all while dropping some more details on all those interpersonal dynamics, both kids and parents. And because up until now we were supposed to believe these 4 used to be close but let's face it, it was kind of difficult to imagine. But the way they interact in the flashbacks is so natural and convincing. Just 4 dumb teens doing dumb teen stuff. ETA: I'm still baffled by Veronica taking her time to curl her hair, do her make-up and all that just to ruin it by skinny dipping right before the dance lol Also I associate skinny dipping so strongly with American movies/shows. I don't think I know a single person here who'd do that. Unless you go to a nudist beach, that is.