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1x09: "A Spy in the House of Love"

Next: Dollhous 1x10 on Sat 11/11

(Enjoy an "after" and "before" of Goose from him being groomed today until I get up the thumbnail)

OH WOOWWWW WOW WOW.... What on earth is happening,, in the house of commons?

THIS IS SO CRAZY.... Adelle leaves for one (1) day!!!!.. and lets not start on what she was doing this episode, or should I say WHO!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING AWN



Allan Cornett

What Dominic wanted isn't the right question, What does the NSA want with Dollhouse is the right question.

Stephen Paynter

I think the answer to what the NSA wants, is explained by Dominic in this episode ... to keep the Dollhouse from being outed by anyone ... such as the FBI ... but rather to take control of the Dollhouse technology for themselves ... as they believe that they would be better custonians of it than a private company, or it ending up in the public domain.