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5x22: "Not Fade Away"

Next: Dollhouse 1x05 on Tues 10/17

WOW.... so we finally finished Angel and the Buffyverse.... wow. I can not believe we have finally made it here, but this journey has been so so fun and such an amazing adventure with you all. 

Hope you guys enjoy the last episode and that I keep seeing you guys around here :)




The ending is perfect to me. The whole point is that there is no end to the fight against evil. You just keep fighting. That is the central theme of the entire series. Holland Manners directly told the audience as much 3+ seasons ago. The big cinematic ending where the good guys come out on top would have felt hokey and not made sense for the show, IMO.

kelly mc

I'm sure it's already been mentioned but in case it hasn't, in the pilot episode, the guy Alley thought was the CEO, was just their client. Mr Winters, the vampire that was stalking Tina and tried to attack Cordelia. In the office, Winters says something like "I can do anything" and not get in trouble. Angel says " can you fly?" And Spartan kicked him out the window