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5x10: "Soul Purpose"

Next: Firefly 1x10 on Sun 7/30

OKAYYYYY, what the HELL IS GOING ONNNNN???? pls, this episode was so fucking funny but also CRAZY with Spike and LINDSEYY????? BRO????

I am sooo excited to see where this all goesssss

hope yall enjoyyy :D




Ooo you're getting so close to the 100th episode of Angel (episode 5x12).


Regarding Angel's dream with Buffy and Spike having sex, I always wondered why they brought up those specific lines of dialogue from Buffy episode "The Prom". When she says: " Can you say jumping the gun? I killed my goldfish." when just a few minutes earlier in the Fred dissection dream, Fred removes a fishbowl from Angel's body and says thats his soul, and that the fish (soul) is dead. The way I interpret those scenes is that is how Angel subconsciously imagines his soul to be, or at least because of that convo with Buffy in Prom episode, because in a way he may have internalized Buffy having been responsible for killing his soul (or the ensouled Angel) when they slept together in S2 of Buffy and he became Angelus. Which also ties in with how Buffy viewed herself in that whole scenario back in the S2 episode "I only have eyes for you". She blamed herself for "killing" the person she loved and she couldn't forgive herself, until the end of the episode and from then on was able to move past that trauma in order to do what needed to be done and kill Angelus.