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1x06: "Our Mrs. Reynolds"

Next: Angel 5x07 on Tues 6/27

edit: will be up Wed, i have been having insane cramps and want to die 😭

okayyyy Saffron... fuck it up girl <3

What an amazing episode, I loved it soo much. I did NOT see it coming, but I loved it! Love to see women have hobbies <3



Vicky N

Of course River is nowhere to be found in this episode, otherwise the whole story would have ended the moment she saw Saffron.


I have to wonder if Saffron's line "Malcolm Reynolds' widow" was a calculated tactical play, to get Inara to go check on Mal rather than pursuing Saffron to the shuttle. Saffron may have seen Mal and Inara being friendly at the party the night before. Certainly she could've looked at Inara in that first scene after the credits and seen that her reaction to Mal being married was not a positive one. She probably knew that getting Inara to worry for Mal was the right button to push.