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1x04: "Shindig"

Next: Angel 5x05 on Wed 6/7

KAYLEE!!!!!!!!!! MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

thats all <3

lmaooo, loved this episode. a fun time with Kaylee and Inara. we got some more interesting tension between Mal and Inara..... hmmmmm, very interesting

hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




This show has some nice little echos of ground Joss already treaded in Buffy. In this ep, for instance, Mal stabbing Athertonn, saying he's not a good man but ending with "Well, I'm alright" is just as charming as Spike and Dawn in the caves and Spike going "Well, I'm not good, and I'm alright."


Heard about the existence of this show by Joss Whedon back in the early 2000's on the buffy-verse inter-webs but it never aired in Aus. Then a show called Farscape was advertised on tv and I thort "Ooh! Is this the Whedon sci-fi show that starts with an 'F'?" ... Nope! :'( Good news is I watched it for the first time in the proper order when I got the DVD set. Yay! :D