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1x03: "Bushwhacked"

Next: Angel 5x04 on Sat 5/27

I knew it was Reavers!!! and eeeeesh, if they're building them up thissss much... I am soooo scared for the episode we actually see them 😭 I am gonna be screaming n crying frfr

This one was an interesting one! Love the whole gang, they are all so cute. And I loved getting more of River this ep!

So excited for the next one!

hope yall enjoyyyy! :D



Loves Bitca

Given that there are very few survivors of Reaver attacks, it makes sense that many would consider them a myth.

Loves Bitca

River appears to pick up thoughts, like with the survivor, and also saying she couldn't sleep from the sounds of screams (was that from the survivors memory?). In the tightness of the ship, she's likely picking up a lot of people jumbled together. But outside the ship in space, it's probably quiet for the first time. That's probably Part of why she feels so happy out there.

Jeff Cornell

As you noted, they have artificial gravity on the ships. Presumably, the same basic technology is part of the terraforming process to give earth-like surface gravity on various planets and moons. Earth-like temperatures are probably achieved by engineering the atmospheres to have a stronger or weaker greenhouse effect. (Fun fact, even Venus could be potentially habitable if it didn't have an absurdly thick atmosphere of almost pure CO2) My question is how the overall brightness of the sunlight is kept consistent at various distances from the star of the Firefly solar system. But that (along with "how does artificial gravity work in the first place") is where I fall back on "it's just a show, don't worry about it".

Cameron Lapp

"Gorram" is the most used as space swearing :D Up there with "frak" in BSG & "smeg" from Red Dwarf.

Cameron Lapp

Note that Mal kisses a cross in the opening battle - it's implied that he used to be religious.


Terraforming just makes a planet hospitable. It doesn't affect gravity...the mass of the planet/moon does.

The Value of Life

Well... except that it's specifically stated in episode 1 that it does in this universe. The ships have artificial gravity that can be turned off and on with a switch as we see early in the ep. Then later Zoe says the terraforming altered the gravity and atmospheres of each moon and planed to earth normal. So apparently the gravity tech they have can be scaled up to moon/planet scale.

Elle Blank

I feel like Wash is a better realized version of what Joss was aiming for with Xander for me. Especially in scenes like the crew being questioned by the Alliance (also Alan Tudyk is brilliant and I believe improved some of his dialogue).

david borokovsky

Note how mal never outright lie to the alliance captain.

Kenny Teeology

The Alliance guys looking for River are "2 by 2 - hands of blue".

Kenny Teeology

I've always thought that the movie "Aliens: Resurrection" crew were a prototype for the Firefly crew. Like the Buffy movie, Joss turned his displeasure on how the movie actually turned out into a TV show.

Elisa H.

So how do you like the theme song?

Ron Fehr

Except with Firefly, it was the other way around. The TV show came first.

Ron Fehr

Sorry. I meant the Firefly TV show came before its movie. I was not questioning the order of Alien Resurrection and Firefly.

Ray D

There are a lot of very fun and funny episodes of this show but this isn’t one of them. A little too serious vs my favorite kind of Firefly episodes which are the more comedic ones

Ashtara Levin

Yep, He's hilarious! - there's a whole bunch of scenes in the 12 minute blooper reel on youtube of him riffing what he likes about Zoe in that interview, while that poor "Desperate Housewives" actor is doing his absolute best to stay in character (Alan broke him at the end =P )

Ashtara Levin

Yes, they are speaking Chinese (or Mandarin? - TBH I don't know..), mostly interchangeably with curses and greetings that you don't lose anything by not speaking it yourself, hence the opting to not place subtitles translating it. The idea is quite ambitious and cool in my opinion (though the executions, I've heard, is quite notoriously bad, since none of the cast spoke Chinese before - which is a hard language to pronounce on a good day - and they couldn't afford to hire someone to train them with every script). Joss thought that it stands to reason that if in the not so fr future, the human race evolved to travel so far into the galaxy as to settle on other planets, that we would have done it as one united group of people, and that the journey would have caused those barriers of culture and ethnicity to bleed together. His way of emphasizing that was to take the two big powers at the time (America and China) and combine their cultures (to a certain degree). You can see in the first episode, during their meal scene that some people are eating with chopstick and when Keylee is hunting for passengers, she is wearing a silk shirt with knotted style buttons and holds a paper sun umbrella. On the second episode when Mel, Jayne and Zoe are in the bar they are playing Chinese Checkers (that 6 point star board game..) and the patches of the Sherif from the town they accidentally robed are marked in chinese characters.. There are lots of these small details peppered all over the series which really lands themselves to multiple rewatches. If you're interested the Mandarin from this episodes phrases translate to: * "Wo de ma! [My mother!]" - Jayne exclaims, seeing the derelict. * "Zhen daomei! [Just our luck!]" - Mal when seeing the ravaged bodies of the settlers. * "What the tian xiaode [heaven knows] is going on in there?" - Wash hears a commotion over the com. * "That ship was hit by Reavers?" "Reavers?" "Zaogao! [Damn!]" - Wash utters the Mandarin curse. * "Wo de tian, a! [My heavens!]" - Mal hears of the survivor's self-mutilation. * "You saved his gorram life, he still takes the cargo. Hundan! [Bastard!]" - Jayne. (curtsey of firfely.fandom)


Yeah, they've been incorporating Chinese since the very first episode. The problem is it's pronounced so badly nobody can tell unless you look it up online.

Ron Fehr

One thing that the writers tried to do when faced with a line that they wanted uttered in Chinese was to find the equivalent. And though we often can't understand the words, we can understand the intention, and maybe even sometimes make an estimated guess at the English translation.