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7x22: "Chosen" 

Next: Angel s4 wrap up some time this week

edit: Sat!


WOW.... just wow. What an amazing ending to such a perfect show <3 I adore this episode, and I am so glad I got to finish out this journey with all of you :')

I am soooo excited to finally discuss this entire show as a whole!!!

This is truly the end of an era, but I loved doing this with all of you.

Thank you all so so much for being here.

note: I mixed up the episode numbers on 2x03 and 2x15 in my intro! they should be switched :)

hope yall enjoyyyyy! :D




Everyone standing behind Buffy with all these questions about what to do next… it reminds me of all of us standing behind Alley asking her what she will react to next. “What are we going to do now, Alley? What will we watch?” Veronica Mars… please!!! Joss called it the best show ever. He even acted in an episode of it!


The Legacy of William Pratt This is episode inspired a piece of fan fiction I wrote: The Legacy of William Pratt A young William Pratt, before he was turned, had a dalliance with a young woman - not Cecily - but Ginny, a stuffy, rather stern looking librarian who, in 1880, not long after William’s apparent death, gave birth to a daughter, Mae. Thankfully, Ginny had the means to provide Mae with a honest upbringing, the best education and Mae became a museum curator in London. She took in a ward of the state in the form of a plucky, but bashful young girl, who tragically died during the flu pandemic of 1918. Though it was never quite clear if the girl actually ever contracted the flu or died due to some other cause. Shortly thereafter, Mae, at the age of 39, married and had a son, Richard in the fall of 1919. Richard followed in the long standing family tradition, as an academic by day, Watcher by night. He was quite entranced by his occult studies, and he was nearly 35 before he finally settled down and got married. He wed a neighbor girl that Mae set him up with; Amber Rose Sutton. She had just turned 18 when her parents were killed by vampires; and Mae took her in. Mae worried Richard would never make time to carry on the family, as he always had his head buried in a book. Richard and Amber’s son would be born almost nine months to the day after the wedding. Unfortunately, Amber would die in childbirth; and Richard would never remarry. Instead he focused on his work and raising his son, Rupert. Of course, everyone knows how Mae’s husband, Rupert Augustus Giles, whom her grandson was named after, was an American and a bombardier during the tail end of the first world war; earning him the original nickname “Ripper”, as he would say he was “letting her rip” when releasing his payload. This is of course how Rupert senior and Mae would meet; as he found himself caught up in a campaign Mae was leading on behalf of the Council, when she forged an alliance between the Council and a faction of werewolves, to stem an attack by the army of vampires Bulgaria had assembled. There’s not much to note about young Giles growing up. Sort of a run of the mill childhood; all the usual childhood illnesses: chicken pox, measles. When he was 12, his first crush turned out to be the spirit of a young girl name Eris; who’s father murdered her family when possessed by a Trihorn demon. Grizzly stuff, Trihorns; nasty business. Giles tried finding and taking out the Trihorn by himself, to allow Eris to move on and he nearly lost his left arm for his trouble; and probably his life if his father hadn’t shown up when he did. Between Richard and Mae, and a couple of fellow Watchers, the Trihorn didn’t stand a chance and Eris was able to move on. That’s when Richard told young Rupert about his destiny of becoming a Watcher.

kemperor .

Loved watching along on your journey. Thanks for all the great content. There are a lot of pretty epic Buffy fanfics out there btw, enjoy!


I watched this in the UK when it aired and watching your reaction is the closest I've ever got to recapturing that feeling. I feel 14 years old again. Wow. Thank you for all your time and effort in getting this out, thank you for your commitment. One of us now, ey? Oh... and you may want to hold off on the fanfic until the you finish Angel ;)


Everyone keeps saying what tv shows to watch next, but nothing comes close to Buffy. I loved your reactions to movies like Hocus Pocus and the buffy movie. Would be cool if you reacted to things buffy actors were in like Cruel Intensions, Scream 2, My Stepmother Is An Alien etc.

Mitch M

Definitely wait to read Buffy fanfic. It will definitely spoil some good stuff from Angel S5, which is in my top 3 of Buffyverse seasons. It's basically Buffy s5, Buffy s7, and Angel s5. Also, I love that the show doesn't lean into her picking someone to ship with. This show is so much more than just ship culture. Romance is important, sure, but not end-of-the-world important, and Buffy realizing that she doesn't need to settle down at 21 is really for the best. I honestly love that the show leaves it in a place where both Bangel and Bike shippers can be happy because it puts Buffy first as an individual (as cookie dough). The one thing we all have in common is that we want Buffy to be happy. Finally, I cannot watch this episode without crying during the "every girl who could be a slayer will be a slayer." The captain marvel "I'm only human scene" always reminds me of the "every girl" scene. They're both so powerful.

Armando Antunez

If she hasn't seen any of the following I would recommend: Daria, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Twilight Zone (original version) and Gravity Falls

Sheriff Uchiha

If you want to read more Buffyverse, skip the fan fiction and just read the comics. They (at least used to be) are canon. And if you are going to be reading text anyway, may as well get good artwork with it. Just wait till you finish Angel. Then look up a reading list (as the Angel and Buffy comics cross over). I think the comics are on legal digital sites, but you can always get physical copies if they aren't (or sail the high seas if you get my meaning.) You could even do volume reviews and discussions if you still want to make Buffyverse content. Or just do it off-screen at your own pace.

Sheriff Uchiha

Here is a question. Do you think Buffy really did love Spike? She said she did but Spike didn't believe her.

Ava Sinclair

I thought I'd jump on this as soon as you released it but it turns out I wasn't any more ready to watch you be finished with Buffy then you were to be finished with it. Finally watched your reaction and loved it as always. You are one of my very favorite reactors and it's been so much fun to go through this journey with you. I only wish I had found you when you had first started. I absolutely loved you doing the Mayor's speech; I had to go grab my son's boyfriend (we've been proudly turning him into a hardcore Buffy addict) and show him the speech and flashback montage you did. So well done and so fun to look back on some of your reactions to key scenes. On to the finale itself: I loved it, I truly did, but I'm still mad that we couldn't have had a two hour finale. I think the show deserved it and I would have liked to see a far better send off for Anya (or for the other Scoobies besides Xander to even notice she was missing, um wtf). I guess Buffy foreshadowed it with 'War is about death. Pointless, stupid death' and that sure seems to sum up what happened to Anya. But overall I'm still happy with the finale. I can nitpick and grumble and sob over Anya and Spike but I think it was a good resolution for the tv series, it leaves a great opening for future stories, and I am so frickin' excited about all the Potentials becoming slayers. (too bad 3/4 of them died immediately after, but at least there are more Slayers awakening, as Willow says.) Overall, it was a well done finale for my favorite show ever. I know everyone is nagging you about what show to watch next, but I'm gonna beg you to consider Sense8 if you haven't watched it. It's the only show I love almost as much as Buffy, even more than Angel. I won't be sad if you watch Veronica Mars but there is such a sad lack of good Sense8 reactors (except the amazing Brittany Diamond) and I truly think you will love love love the show. Obsessively so. Plus, although it has the humor/tragedy and fantastic characters like Buffy, it's a very different vibe and it might be cool to do something outside of the Whedonverse for a while. Ok, done with pitching (for now). Thank you again for letting me experience Buffy all over again, I can't even express how much fun it's been.

Ava Sinclair

Oh, I almost forgot to blurt out my season 7 pet fan theory - anyone else thinks that Cassie was a Potential, and The First took advantage of her psychic powers to send Cassie a premonition of her own death, knowing that it would result in a chain of events that would ensure Cassie would die? It's a lot of trouble to go through to get rid of one Potential, but like Buffy said, she was special. Her psychic abilities would have gone a long way in the final fight. Anyway, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.


The girl sitting on the floor reaches the end. I wasn’t a constant subscriber but I’ve been watching since the beginning. I I always came back to get caught up with you every few months. Thanks so much for taking the the ride, you’ve been wonderful.

Midnight Crypt Worx (Nikki Davis)

Congrats you have reached the end!!! Best ending ever...I still cry lol. Ioved the montage you did in the beginning. I think I'm going to rewatch you starting the series. =] If you remember after Robin tried to kill Spike, he actually cured him of The First's influence. So that is why I think the first didn't get to Spike when they said "that bitch".


Not sure if you still read the comments but thank you for your reactions! 🤗 this is the first time in years that I rewatched the entire season 7, through your reactions. Before, I'd only rewatch a few standout episodes, but now rewatching the whole season gave me an appreciation for it that I didn't have before. Buffy truly is one of the best shows that have I have ever watched, and I'm sad that you're done but happy to have even on the journey! 😎

Amanda Huey

I've been around since sometime towards the beginning. It's been amazing to watch with you 🥲 I finally brought myself to watching this one cause I just haven't been able to do it lol. I haven't watched the finale in a long time either so I was crying the entire time 😭 oh, also I watched a little bit of the last episode to remember what point it was at, and seeing the scene with Anya and Andrew made me realize something. I've seen people discuss him lying about how Anya died saving his life, and never realized he did that because of their conversation they had in the hospital 🥺 And as for Angel, I honestly think that kiss was solely for the Bangel fans since it was the finale lol. And I don't love the First at the end of that one with Spike, but I think the point is that Spike has grown and instead of giving into the First, he actually talked to her about it. And lastly, I don't like the way they had Willow wait to do the spell. I understand it was way more dramatic that way which is the way of Buffy but it makes no sense lmao. I'll forgive them for it though. Okay, I'm done now. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!! Onto Angel S5 😈 (I'm sticking around for Firefly and *hopefully* Veronica Mars!!😁)