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7x20: "Touched"

Next: Buffy 7x21 on Mon 4/10 (maybe Tues!)


I AM SCREAMING AND CRYING RN... I can not believe we legit got that scene between them 😭 ....so this HAS to mean something horrible is gonna go down </3 NO I AM NOT READY! I am so nervous. What is this all leading towards??? 🥴

hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




Before it appeared on TV, the scythe first appeared in an 8 issue comic book series written by Joss Whedon, called Fray. It was about a slayer from a different time period. Would totally recommend reading.


Not 10 minutes later and Faith is doing the same thing Buffy was so wrong for doing? 🙄 I love you Ally but there is a right answer, if you like consistency. Buffy has always put people into danger (15yo kids in Season 1), going off half-cocked without anyone knowing or agreeing with a plan.


Buffy being right and the Democratic Nation of Thankless Scoobies being wrong. I think that was the show's way of letting us know that kicking Buffy out was the wrong decision.


People were so mad at Buffy for wanting to lead the girls on a mission using intel from a suspect source so they put Faith in charge who immediately does exactly that...

Ron Fehr

Yes, she put them in danger, but it was their choice and Buffy respected that. Now whey they are wary about going in, Buffy doesn't seem to want to consider their feelings.

Ron Fehr

In a way, Buffy being alone this episode may not have been a bad thing. In the heat of the moment, she never really had time to take in what they were saying. Now given some space, she could ponder their words. She had been the Slayer for so long already that she may have forgotten what it was like to be just a normal person, and hadn't considered other people's opinions to be as important as hers.


It seems to me they weren't against being told what to do (they all listened to Faith) they just didn't want to listen to Buffy because she wasn't the cool mom. Basically a bunch of bratty kids came into an adult situation and were able to turn everyone against the one person (Yes, the one. Faith has never been and could never be anything like Buffy) who will actually work to save them all, who will sacrifice herself again and again so that people can live. And her "family" just let it happen, even encouraged it. Spike, like always, being the poet that he is, can see the true heart of the matter. For me, Spike is the only one who truly appreciated Buffy for what she was, who she was. Sure they all loved Buffy, but they didn't respect her in a lot of ways. This will forever make me angry.

Henrik Holst

I agree, however on a second note, being kicked out and then having had that talk with Spike is probably what made her go to the Vineyard alone and figuring out how to beat Caleb (by avoiding to touch him) and would this have happened without her being kicked out first? Aka the decision was wrong but the outcome of it was right.

Henrik Holst

Well add to that that Giles had advised Buffy right before that she should act like a General and thus not listen to other peoples opinions. So IMHO it was not only the heat of the moment that made her make that bad decision to not allow opinions at that meeting.

Ron Fehr

IMO, Generals do sometimes need to heed others' opinions, but then make a definitive decision. And after that, it should not be questioned.


Also, there was a reoccurring message that her asleep time was being measured in minutes not hours, so not really at the top of her mental game.

Ron Fehr

Regarding the initial disagreement in the previous episode, it seems to me that both Buffy and Faith were right. Buffy, in that the weapon was at the vinyard, and Faith, in that they didn't need a bunch of them going there.

Henrik Holst

Granted, the actual quote from Giles though was "We're on the verge of war. You need to be able to make difficult decisions regardless of cost". But then I realized that Giles turning against Buffy comes right after he conspired behind her back to have Spike killed with Buffy declaring "you have nothing left to teach me" which leads back to Spikes accusation in this episode ("Rupert. You used to be the big man, didn't you? The teacher all full of wisdom. Now she's surpassed you, and you can't handle it.") not sure how I can have watched this so many times before making that connection, man I feel dumb :)


I was so excited for you to get to this episode as a fellow Buffy and Spike shipper and your reaction to that scene was the same as mine when I watched it live. The sheer joy and exhilaration…. If I could bottle up that feeling and sell it I would.

Lydia Anderson

Spike's speech to Buffy in this episode is my all-time favorite speech about love. The way he tells her that it's not about him at all. That he's not asking her for anything. He has learned that real, true love is not selfish, and communicates it beautifully.

Amanda Huey

ALLEY now that I've finally brought myself to watch this reaction (I don't want it to end 😭) I can finally ask you to PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD make a heart-wrenching Bike edit to the song "Clarity" by Zedd/Foxes and then you can throw some of Spike's speech and his line about "I can say with perfect clarity..." --- it's literally perfect for them and I've been dying for this edit for YEARS (I think there's one or two in existence but they are... not good 😅) okay, thanks, gonna watch episode 21 reaction and cry about it almost being over, bye 🖤

Janel Davis

I hate when people claim "out of character" under extraordinary/life-threatening circumstances. For me, the fact that everyone was freaking out and acting so horribly was what sold me on how high the stakes really are this time.