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4x19: "The Magic Bullet"

Next: Angel 4x20 on Wed 3/22 or Thurs (somehow got more sick and I am sneezing every 5 minutes... hopefully I will be fine by Tues to record. I will edit this post to tell you guys if I'm not)

edit; will be posted Thurs! i am finally feeling better


She is iconic, look at her go <3 Finding out how to get the gang out of the brain washing that Jasmine is doing, and then executing it almost perfectly *glances over at Connor doing the most*

Loved this one, I am sooo pumped for the next one and what this season has for the finale!!!

And so sorry for me slacking on my thumbnails, I swear I won't fall behind on them, I will do them soon! 

Hope yall enjoyyyy! :D



Vicky N

Fred said to the demon that she is new to that refugee thing. Except maybe 5 years in Pylea. I know it’s just a throwaway line, but to me it’s exemplifies the carelessness in the writing room.

Richard Ashton

I love the new thumbnails, by the way.


If the demon bit off the the thumb, you could use a still from that and put the caption, "thumbnail missing".... 🤷‍♂️ ...I'll let myself out...

kelly mc

Shiny Happy People was also a recent episode this season


I had a '?????' reaction to the fred/angel kiss too tbh but in my head it kinda just feels like something fred did out of like, her lingering crush on angel and loneliness after being alone in the world the past few days. That's sort of how I reason it out in my head and it makes a bit more sense


Does it need a headcanon explanation? It's just literally what was depicted, they tried the classic "fake kiss in an alleyway to try and not look like the people being hunted for" and failed. It's a bit cliche but I'd argue Buffy and Angel always have traded in cliches, they just subvert them as well. Which they did in this case cause it absolutely doesn't work and they get jumped anyway. It's a little tonally off though cause it is supposed to be like, properly scary that Angel and Fred are operating alone now and the joke kinda deflates that.


This season is honestly so good minus everything they did with Cordy.


it just makes me feel better to think of it differently, that's all

Brendan O'Connor

It wasn’t until rewatching the previous episode that it makes sense why Sam Witwer’s character was the first to see Jasmine’s true face. The vampire that sank his nails into Jasmine’s arm also dug his nails into his chest when he knocked him over fleeing from Angel. So the man just got tackled and was confused about what just happened and then everyone around him starts bowing to a rotting corpse…can’t blame him for his reaction

Henrik Holst

And then I saw her face, now I'm a believer And not a trace, of doubt in my mind I'm in love, I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried

Amanda Huey

Tbf, she uses the word "fugitive" not "refugee" ...and I don't feel either necessarily describes her situation with Pylea from what I recall anyway.

Amanda Huey

From what we've seen so far in the series, there hasn't been any actual tension or romance between Fred and Angel. Fred had a little crush when he first rescued her from Pylea but that was really it. I like that they didn't force any actual romance or tension in between them just for the sake of that kissing scene/joke cause that would have felt more out-of-place for me. Like you said, she's already had a thing with Gunn and Wes going on. It would just be too much. Fred isn't usually one to be forward with that kind of thing, so I think her kissing Angel shows her willingness to survive and save everyone. Idk. That's how I think of it.


So after a full rewatch - this is so similar to my experience leaving a cult. Yikes!

MrAguia Aguia

Fun fact the electric guitar player with Lorn was Zakk Wylde, mostly known for playing guitar for Ozzy Osbourn and Black Lable Society where he also sings.

Mary Kate

The kiss is so weird and out of place, no matter how many times I see this ep I'm just like .... why??? It's funny you said maybe Fred has to kiss every man, but some conjecture maybe it's David Boreanaz who has in his contract he has to make out with every woman who comes on this show lol