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4x16: "Players"

Next: Angel 4x17 on Wed 2/22

OKAY GUNNNNNN, GET ITTTTT! <3 What you deserve after this season <3 I LOVE YOU!!! Him and Gwen poppin their shit was honestly just what I needed after the insanity of this season so far lmao.

I was of course hoping for a lot more shit hitting the fan, but regardless was fun to see some Gunn action as well as Gwen again. And Cordy being sketch af and everyone just pretending she is normal lmaoooo.

Hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




Wes saying that love isn't always about holding hands, while Gwen hoping that one day she may be able to hold hands with someone was interesting to me. I don't know if it was intentional, but the parallel between those lines was very well done.


I love that line from Wes. It encapsulates so well all the weird or surprising relationships in the buffyverse or on any tv show. Part of what makes characters like Wes or Lilah so complex and shows that you can’t assume you just know someone (like Fred assumes she knows Wesley). They allude to this very thing earlier in the season, when Wes tells Lilah: “you think you know me…” and Lilah responds: “Better than she [Fred] ever will”. Also, I think that parallel is pretty intentional. Wes says “it’s not always about holding hands” but for someone like Gwen it actually IS all about holding hands. We all value different things when it comes to seeking relationships with others.

Phoenix Dawn

Cody's outfit just makes me laugh! Wtf is that ahaha!


I still can’t get over how iconic Cordy’s dress is— just love her this season&lt;33 So excited for you to see the rest of this amazing season! :D

Cameron Lapp

“It’s not always about holding hands” is a line that I only really noticed this time through.


People really jumped on your talking during the phone call in the earlier episode, but you even acknowledged that you remember seeing that scene and it just didn't click; and I remember the same thing happened for me. It was only after re-watching the series, possibly a few times, before it clicked. But here's the thing - "Lies My Parents Told Me" originally aired almost a week after "Orpheus." Looking at the episode wiki, evidently it was meant to air the previous week, but got preempted due to the start of the Iraq war. So at any rate, we didn't have the benefit of being clued in either.


Love that ending, with Lorne turning, revealing the Magic 8 ball. Even better that Alley didn't see it coming; the tension of it all, knowing the outcome. So good.


Ernest P. Worrell, Electro Man, walked so Gwen Raiden could run. Sorry.


Please, the fake throw up sound is really horrible. I beg you to stop.


I can understand you being weirded out by the Connor/Cordy thing, but I can't understand why Connor showing affection for his unborn child get's a fake vomit reaction.


I know Alley is doing it for dramatic effect, but it gets a bit much, I agree.

Dan H

I don't think much of this episode, but what I really think delivers is Angel's face. Standing there, confronting Cordy. Just this stern, angry disappointment.


Maybe because any mention of that baby or their relationship is a reminder that they did the deed? I had such a hard time watching any scenes with these two together the first time around even if they were just talking, I can understand.


Alley really needs to stop expecting … anything.

Devon Martin

Best duo reactions would be with you and domi e. I would have loved for it to be domies next episode which is 6x07!!!😍😍