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4x15: "Orpheus" 

Next: Angel 4x16 on Sat 2/18

-- If anyone is interested in an update on my bf's sister's (her name is Alex lmao, just gonna call her that after this😆) baby, she is pretty much set to be induced next week! :D

BROOOOOOO, SHIT IS HITTING THE FANNNN! OH MY GODDDDD. Poor Angel Investigations can not get a BREAK. They finally figure out how to get rid of Angelus and then Miss Ma'am Cordy just waltzs downstairs like "hey bitch!!!" 😳 BRO??

Let them have a BREATHER 😭

GOODNESS, this is so crazy... AAAAAND WILLOW???? BRINGING FAITH BACK TO SUNNYDALE???? SHUT UPPPPPPPP!!!!!! Oh my GOD, I am sooo excited about that!! <3

Hope y'all enjoyyyyy! :D




Adrienne Wilkinson! ... I can't be against crossover fun, and it's a pretty monumental occasion when Willow shows up (again) on Angel. It's a shame it's this version of Cordelia, but on the plus side, Willow and Fred getting together is kind of like negative universes meeting, to borrow someone else's line for two other people. Woo-hoo!

Mary Kate

NOW you know why so many fans dislike Kennedy, she interferes with the ultimate ship of the Buffyverse, Frillow

Ron Fehr

When Angel walked up to the juke box, I just had a feeling that he was going to pick Mandy.

Ron Fehr

I don't know why people want to ship Fred and Willow. There is such a thing as just having friends of the same gender.

Mary Kate

Oh and this is also the episode that shows us that it IS possible for David Boreanaz to be unattractive, all it takes is a terrible seventies wig


"Frillow" - Is that how you say it?

Ron Fehr

According to one of Angel's/Angelus's memories, it seems that he lied when telling Buffy that he hadn't fed on a human since he got his soul back. Or did he tell her 'living human'?

Ron Fehr

That was a wig? I thought his hair just grew really fast. Lol 😂

Ron Fehr

Gotta disagree with you Alley. Except for a few early episodes, and the Faith episodes, this is not a good season.


This season still manages to blow me away on rewatches. Everything works! And Cordelia’s black dress and pregnancy reveal at the end— chef’s kiss! So camp, but also so dark and shocking&lt;33 People can feel how they want, but Charisma hard carried this season imo. She’s amazing! :D

John Alexander

I mean that was basically a telenovela, in fact this whole season is a telenovela. Remind me to do a rewatch with the Spanish dub on at some point :D


why are there people tryin to spoil your fun saying it's not a good season?? let her enjoy!!!!! would you rather she wasn't enjoying herself?🤔

Armando Antunez

I mean the season hasn't been as bad as I remember, but then again, I'm watching someone else watching the show and she makes Connor less insufferable for me with her reactions 🤣 in any case, the worst is yet to come. Good thing Season 5 is almost here and that season is Legen-wait for it-dary.

Armando Antunez

sure there is, but look how cute! 🥰 I used to hate Kennedy but now I finally get it, she's actual pretty cool and she likes Willow, so why would I dislike her? I guess back then I wasn't ready to let Tara go.


I think this is the episode people point to when they want to make the argument that Angel with a soul is an entirely different person than Angel soulless, because they're seeing both versions on the screen talking like they're different people. But this is the writers simply showing the metaphor literally. It reminds me of The Weight of the World, when the writers have Willow take a trip thru Buffy's mind and we see different versions of herself. Angel says it in this episode: altar ego. These are two versions of himself that are always in conflict. He's a vampire/demon cursed with a soul, but people tend to want to think of him as a man cursed with a demon. I actually think of soulless-Angel as the true ego, and soulful-Angel as the altar, because the soul is the unnatural part for a vampire. Only from a human perspective does soulful-Angel belong on the outside.

kelly mc

The chemistry between Alexis and Alyson is palpable in this episode. They were interested in each other before, but Alexis didn’t want to date a coworker. Once Buffy ended, it was fair game. They’ve been together since 2003

John Alexander

The biggest issue with this episode's conceit is that not 5 episodes ago they established that when Angel is in control of the body (as it were) whatever entity it is that constitutes Angelus is no longer present in this dimension of reality. This is how they explain Angelus' knowledge of The Beast. Wesley is very specific about it. Now though, the writers have decided that Angelus is actually trapped inside Angel all the time and well,both of those things can't be true. I prefer the latter interpretation as it backs up my theory that a soul in the Buffyverse is basically just a person's conscience.

Scott Andrews

Not entirely true. They began dating prior to 2003, because they married in 2003, and Alyson Hannigan stated: "I was trying to pursue him, but he said he didn't want to date somebody he was working with. But we developed a great friendship..." Hannigan said. "When my new relationship ran its course, the whole thing suddenly changed and Alex and I started to really care about each other. So it was two years before we started seeing each other and that was back in 1999. I took my mom's advice and thought really hard about the whole thing—and didn't marry until I was nearly 30." So, they began dating around 2000/2001, and were dating/engaged when this episode was filmed. Another article claims they dated four years before marrying, which would actually mean they began dating sometime in 1999.

Ron Fehr

I recently had another thought. What about the 'evildoers', as Darla called them? I assume they were still alive when Angel fed off of them.

Esther Boogie

Wow, I uh, couldn't get through that. Fell off the Angel show early, back when it aired, and this episode reminded me why. Writing SO BAD. Story SO BAD. Acting SO, eh, they did the best they could with what they were given. Connor and Cordelia give me acid reflux. Given how Joss treated Charisma in general &amp; during her pregnancy, and bragging that he could make actors look stupid if they crossed him - the lines he made her say, calling herself a crazy pregnant lady &amp; her character acting crazy - I just, wow. Charisma was working in a strange nightmare.