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7x17: "Lies My Parents Told Me"

Next: Angel 4x15 on Wed 2/15


The Fool For Love sequel I didnt know I needed 😭 I am getting FED!! DELICIOUS

And the battle between Robin and Spike?? FINALLY! LOVE TO SEE IT. ugh, my man <3

Absolutely loved this one! Hope yall have a fun time with it as well :D



John Alexander

lol, that's not Allie totally missing who called Willow is it ?!?!? Lmao, nah that couldn't be Allie, she'd NEVER do something like that...


I hate how much i am not really a fan of Giles this season I understand that he to must be under a lot of pressure but I feel like the essence of who giles is, is missing he is harsher and I hate it I know war is coming but still on a personal level I always get so frustrated with him this season

Shaun Stacy


Phoenix Dawn

One of my most fave episodes!

Ed Badalucca

I always enjoyed how one of the first things Spike did as a vampire was kill a demon. Like his course was set with that first mistake.


Yeah interesting, and taking it even further, righting a wrong he committed


No, she'll figure it out soon enough; and it's at least as good if she's surprised, if not better.


Wow what a perfect example as to why talking over dialogue is never a good idea.

Jessie Quinn

I really didn't read Buffy's line about letting Dawn die as her saying she wouldn't sacrifice herself. I don't think Buffy's any less self sacrificing than she was in season 5. The thing in the season 5 finale was that Dawn continuing to live after the portal opened could destroy the world. Buffy didn't know at first that she could sacrifice herself in Dawn's place. She actually believed that if Dawn lived, the world could be destroyed and she still chose, at that time, to protect her. I just read her line in this episode as her saying that, given what she's been through now, if there hadn't been another way (i.e. her sacrificing herself in Dawn's place) she would now choose to let Dawn die in order to protect the world.

Mitch M

I think it’s really telling that in a season that’s all about how power should be used (the season opener told us that twice, after all), we see over and over how deciding something for someone else without their consent leads to fracture. Like here, with Giles abusing his paternal influence to restrict Buffy’s ability to make decisions as leader because he assumes he knows better. So how does choice get impacted in a hierarchical structure like the army Buffy is building? There are some places where I think the season could be a little stronger developing this theme more clearly, but as a whole, I really love what it has to say about how heroes use their power.


Love this episode so much! I love how we are told/ know/ are shown that generally vampires end up killing their family. Its too much a reminder of their humanity, or they got issues to let loose. But spike’s first impulse after being turned (still a dumb fledgling baby vamp with no experience or knowledge beyond that new demon-ness) isnt to go mental and rampage. He is being romantic with Dru, learning her. And he wants to turn his mother to save her life, to heal her, to continue to be with her. He didnt want to kill his family, he wanted to share his newfound power, honour his mother with it and heal her! Of course he had no idea how it all worked. I often think that for spike, his humanity changed/ diminished so little compared to most vampires that of course he would think his mum would just be herself but stronger/ immortal, etc. he felt the same for the most part and assumed thats just how it goes! And equally then assumes his mum his speaking truth with all the nasty things she says… but i think that she was so weak, old, and sick when he turned her that when the demon came in, there wasnt enough of “her”, or she didnt have the strength to keep much of “her”… so her first impulses as a vampire goes against everything her human self ever thought or felt, her demon tried to perverse their mother-son relationship whereas spike was disgusted and hurt, then shamed. (Harmony was sired on her prime, not ill or old, and she also retains sooo much of her human self as well!) I think they prove that there are levels to siring and who you are/ how you are when sired makes a big difference to the kind of vamp you’ll be! I love the spike and robin show down. So intense in every way! And how insane that Buffy’s like “he’ll kill you… more importantly - i’ll let him.” Whaaaat?!


Reading other comments, i dont especially think spike is special in that he can love (as i said, harmony was much like herself after turning. Plus we have seen a couple vamps on angel with a lot of feelings and humanity in them who can love). I just find it interesting HOW much humanity spike kept vs other vamps when it comes to love, caring, empathy for certain people. Also i think it shows that Angelus is special in that he has NO humanity at all (couldnt be burned by the judge). He has emotions and feelings but never one of actual love, empathy or caring. When he almost shows it, its about power and his own gains and wants (like offering darla her view and to go away with him and leave the master).


Joss always with cucking us with Spike dying &gt;&lt;

Leonard Ledung

Yeah even i reacted to that, and i didn't/don't watch Angel, just watched the last season on TV reruns back in the day.

Paddy H-K

I must admit, I've not been keeping up with your reactions recently because I just really don't like S7 of Buffy (and am ambivalent about S4 of Angel). But THIS EPISODE. Jeez. This and Conversations With Dead People are top tier.

Paddy H-K

Yeah, I don't try to attach any logic to Giles this season (or most of the characters this season tbf). One of the worst aspects of S7 is how plot convenience often takes precedence over established character motivations. Giles' motivations in S5 were complex but still fully believable for his character. S7 Giles is little more than a plot device and it sucks.

Janel Davis

I hate when people rag so hard on a reactor for accidentally talking over a moment. We want REACTIONS from you... reactors that sit there and say nothing are terrible reactors. 99.9% of the time, you manage an excellent balance of entertaining commentary vs paying attention. So you missed a moment--it's not like you talked through an entire scene! You can't predict when a one-liner is going to be significant. And honestly, it's not even very significant for anyone who doesn't care about Angel (which is half your audience). You're doing great. Thanks for sharing with us! ❤