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4x14: "Release" 

Next: Buffy 7x17 on Sat 2/11

Faith.......... honey............... now what was that ending, girl? 🥰 what was THAT??..... istg if I watch the next episode and we have Faith... the VAMPIRE, I am going to go crazy. WHAT IS GOING ONNNNNN???

lmao ANYWAYS, this episode was suchhhh a good one. Literally loving this plotline for the season so far, and I am soooo excited to see where it goes!

Hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




Alley has ptsd for new series regulars🤣

Chris Hanley

the sheer payoff to Faiths story from when she broke down is season 1 just from the dialogue joust with Angelus, chefs kiss. It doesn't even feel like tv, it feels like cinema


I had to look up Faith torturing Wes because I've clearly blocked it out. The scene ends with Angle bursting in to save Wes while Faith threatens to kill him, basically the opposite of what happened in the beginning of this episode


If anyone had told Alley a few seasons ago that she would be disappointed to go back to Buffy instead of watching the next Angel episode, she would have laughed so hard!

Phoenix Dawn

When you said both shows have someone formerly evil, but now trying to be good....On Buffy, I thought you meant Andrew LOL


"Uh oh, vampire with a gun" with the pure glee Boreanz puts into the line is one of my favourite little bits of the Buffyverse. If vampires used guns more, they'd probably win.

Macca Fan

You're reaction to Lorne being in the credits? This is why we love you!

Ron Fehr

The actor playing the demon that Faith was beating up to locate Angelus sure sounded a bit like Merl.

Ari is my Cat

The only thing missing from the Cordy + Connor story line is Chris Hansen coming in with "Cordelia, why don't you have a seat?"


Back in the day I used to really despise Connor and blame him for everything wrong this season and don't get me wrong he can still be extremely annoying at times but as I have gotten older I realise just how much of a victim Connor was his story is so tragic he has never been given a chance.

Ron Fehr

Yep, the Faith episodes make one want to binge-watch them.

Ron Fehr

If I recall the next Buffy episode, she may change her mind.

Ron Fehr

Aside from the Cordy/Connor happenings, I hope Fred and Gunn don't start up their romance again. Ugh!!

John Alexander

This ep is where the first big contradiction of the season happens. A couple eps back they established that the reason Angelus can remember The Beast is because his consciousness/essence/anti-soul/whatever was not present in this dimension when the spell to erase knowledge of The Beast was cast. They demonstrated this mechanism in the ep with Lyla's book. Now they introduce the idea that Angelus is always present, trapped inside Angel & forced to watch him be a good guy. Those two concepts are in direct opposition. There's no in-universe explanation for this either btw, the writers just needed it one way for the plot & another way for the character arc.


My headcanon is that Cordy was somehow blocking his memory of the Beast, just so the gang would have a reason to turn him into Angelus, and then unblocked it for him once Angelus was in the driver's seat. I'll admit it's kind of a flimsy headcanon to handwave the inconsistencies in the writing, but that's how I choose to think of it.

Henrik Holst

That is not really the explanation that they gave though. It's not that Angelus wasn't present in this dimension when the spell was cast, it was that he didn't exist at all. AKA Angelus as an entity didn't come into existence until the Kalderash ensouled Angel at which point Angelus as en entity was created by the spell to be his unsouled counterpart. This does not contradict that he is always present trapped inside Angel, because that only happens after the ensoulment in 1898, the banishment of The Beast was over 100 years earlier in 1789.