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7x14: "First Date"

Next: Angel 4x12 on Wed 1/25


The drama of it all…. im obsessed <3

soooo excited to see what happens with that, and what this means for the rest of the season and spike 🫣

hope yall enjoyyy :)




Them introducing the child of a slayer was such a genius decision I sometimes wish they had done it when Spike had been unsouled because that would of been such an interesting story do the scoobies protect soulless Spike or just give hand him over but storywise I get why it was introduced now. I forgot how stressed out Giles was in this season the man really needs a rest

Brendan O'Connor

I felt bad for the Chinese potential, I could be wrong but I think the only person we know in the Buffyverse who would understand her is Angel

Richard Ashton

Or a really good hot, strong cup of tea, PG Tips left to brew for five minutes should do the job. "If I want to be toned up, calmed down, invigorated or anything then it’s very simple: I just have a cup of tea." - Arthur Dent, HHGTTG by Douglas Adams.


Two things I dislike in this otherwise great episode: the way everyone treats the new Chinese slayer/the way she is written is really weird and feels racist. You could make the argument that the joke is meant to be on Buffy and Giles and etc for being ignorant, but ehhhhh. It really doesn’t come off that way imo. Especially when they do the weird thing where the English speakers somehow think being *louder* will make a non-English speaker understand. And even if he doesn’t really know the language, there’s no way Giles wouldn’t have or be able to get some kind of language dictionary or translation that would help everyone involved. Two: I don’t like Andrew. I know a lot of people are entertained by him being around, and I won’t say none of his jokes are funny, but…I’ve never enjoyed his character at all. I’d much rather the story focus on the other characters who deserve development (Like, say, Anya) than Andrew. Otherwise, this is a great episode. And Robin Wood is a great character- honestly I wish he was in the show sooner. Like maybe his identity is revealed earlier in the season because he brings Buffy a potential slayer that he has been helping to protect. And he works with the Scoobies for most of the season before it becomes clear what Spike did to his mom. It would create a lot of drama and tension. It still does as is, but like I said I just like Robin’s character and it would have been neat to see more of him earlier.


Yeah, the bit with the slayer is really....idk if it's dated? It's just insulting and dumb and feels racist. The one Asian character in seven years and this is it?


I also find Chao-Ahn very annoyingly written. The language barrier running gag isn't that funny, it makes Giles look like an ass, and then her own lines are complete cringe. And I was an Asian studies major (albeit Japanese) who got my MA in 1997. We absolutely knew better as a society by this time.

Ron Fehr

From what I know, principal Wood's mom had him at a young age, and was probably the only Slayer to have a child. From what I know. If anyone knows more, I would be eager to find out.


Also Spike is so funny in this episode. Trying to be super normal about Buffy going on a date but then when there's trouble he's like EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO STOP THAT DATE VERY SUBTLY NO SRSLY I GOT THIS.

Ron Fehr

Did you notice the principal's mom (aka the First)? I could tell right away that she was one of the two Slayers that Spike killed. And of course having seen his reaction to finding out that Spike was a vampire assured me that I was right.


Ashanti and KD Aubert in the same episode is a whole lotta hotness. But anyway, there's something special about the idea of the son of a Slayer.


I love hearing Giles call Spike a "berk" at the beginning of the episode, after learning the rhyming slang meaning.


Not sure if it was mentioned but the shirt Anya was helping buffy clean and she said she couldn’t get the blood out - or maybe it was pizza… that’s the shirt dawn spilled pizza on in conversations with dead people and she said “Buffy will just think it’s blood”.


“Tea is soothing; i wish to be tense!” - Rupert Giles haha


Literally. He was lovely for trying to ease Buffy and be good about it, wanting her to be happy. But his eyes say it all as she walks from that convo. It hurts him. Of course it does. And his “i’ll go get her…” bit was so funny. Like he tries 3 times in a row 😂😂


Im english and dont know the rhyming slang meaning haha. I just know the word to mean idiot lol


I am surprised there wasn’t more reaction to the conversation with Willow when Buffy asks “Why does everyone think I’m still in love with Spike?” Because I am pretty sure that’s the first time she ever even alludes to the possibility of having been in love with him. In “Him” she tells Dawn she doesn’t love Spike, but she feels for him, and way back in Seeing Red after the first of the horrible events in that episode, she tells him “Ask me again why I could never love you!” So it seems like a big deal for her to make this comment that suggests her mindset about their relationship has really changed. The “I’m not ready for you to not be here” in the last scene always kills me, as does their conversation in the hallway. Ensouled Spike is really a different person, asking nothing from Buffy, just wanting the best for her.

Ross Nolan

While I don't ship them romantically at all I find Dawn and Andrew's friendship kind of adorable, especially the amazing smile MT had after Andrew called Dawn a peach.


@LeijetteRiopel: You're right, this is the first time Buffy has ever admitted to ever being in love with Spike. Good catch! When Buffy broke up with him last season in "As You Were" she never said "I don't love you"- she said "I can't love you." At the time I took that as she was unable to love him but looking at it another way, really she was just telling herself that she cannot- will not allow herself- to love him. She was trying to stop herself from loving him. When she said "And it's killing me", she meant knowingly loving someone without a soul was killing her. She was hating herself for it. Ha, I just got that the title "First Date" not only refers to Buffy's and Xander's dates but also The First returning after its little hiatus. Or, Andrew's First date... heh. "Bidet of Evil" is a seriously underrated comedic line, IMHO. Giles' illustration skills have not improved since "Hush" in S4. That was a very telling moment that Buffy first went to check on Spike after the battle with the demon, even before Xander. The moment Wood said he was the son of a slayer, I knew Spike killed his mom. I remembered "Fool for Love" and that the year of his fight on the subway train was 1977- did some quick math and figured it out. I wonder how many others got that right away too, especially back when it first aired. That said, LOVED your reaction when it was revealed at the end. It is a brilliant twist.