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7x13: "The Killer in Me"

Next: Buffy 7x14 on Sat 1/21

UGH, Willow just keeps on going through it </3 😭 this poor thing.. turning into that.. thing 🤢 I hated that so much... buttt it worked so well! absolutely love the whole idea for this episode for Willow's character.

then we alsooooo get some bike scenes... hehehhehehehe, we LOVE to see it! and i am SOO excited to see what Buffy decides to do about the chip.. I NEED TO KNOW RN!!

okee hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




I know Amy is evil and all, but man she's hot!


I wonder though if the word "Psycho" could mess with the YouTube algorithm. That thing is really stupid with some of that stuff.

Steven morgan

I kind of think that they’ve always been a bit lazy with Amy, I believe she got a second story because the actress did well and the first story was good, but they didn’t expand the character and just used her as a witch, even though that made no sense really, with what her mother did to her why would she turn to magic, then they decided willow needed witch friends for a story so here’s Amy and because Amy turned buffy into a rat, wouldn’t it be funny if she turned int a rat. Amy’s character has become a two dimensional witch character and now a running gag, even turning her back and forth. Then when they need a witch character who will lead willow down the wrong path, its a bit dumb as Amy has all these contacts even though she was a new witch and had only been practicing for two years and willow had been practicing for four. Now they need someone who put a spell on willow, here’s Amy who always felt jealous over willow, in joss whedons comic continuation it got even more unbelievable in my opinion.


isn't that before the ep where amy "gifts" willow some magic and at the end willow tells her to stay away from her. I can see her holding a grudge after that tbh

Matthew O'Hare

I have that exact same poster from Universal!


Alley i think you missed the info that the First's goal is to end the Slayer line (you said you werent sure about both Angel's and Buffy's big bad's motivations for these seasons, and i understand the confusion with everything going on lol, but yeah it has been mentioned a few times at this point) 😊

Ross Nolan

I find the Willow and Kennedy scenes more adorable than I remembered, though I did find her original "yeah magic seems like a a bunch of crap but you like it, so cool I guess" really irritating and kind of patronising, especially since Kennedy makes it sound like this is just a quirk of Willow's she's going to tolerate rather a huge defining part of Willow's life (in ways both good and bad.)


Old home week on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And I like it.

Ron Fehr

If you can put Buffy posters up, I assume that it would be okay to put up the Psycho poster, just as long as it doesn't stand out too much.

Ron Fehr

In the scenes involving Willow/Warren, both Alyson Hannigan and Adam Busch were required to perform the lines written for them. Then in post-production, it was decided which representation would be appropriate for each line.

Ron Fehr

Amy's whole purpose for putting the hex on Willow, as I see it anyway, was to "bring her down a notch," as she put it. Willow was a natural with magic, and this made Amy upset, because she "had to work twice as hard to be half as good." By the way, does that mean she would need to work four times as hard to be as good as Willow?


With the alternating between Alyson and Adam, I touched on it a little before, but I wanted to follow it up - I get Alley's perspective on not wanting "Warren" there the whole time, and I didn't necessarily hate it being framed that way. But from another perspective, I think it would have been a good opportunity to divorce the actor from the character; and in much the same way of having Eliza play Buffy or Sarah play Faith for an episode, they could have (and did a little) contrast the range of Adam's acting ability and really make us believe that it *wasn't* Warren on the screen, but Willow, and just happens to look like Warren. I think that would be an important distinction and a great acting feat to make you forget, even for a second, that he also played Warren. All that said, it's fine the way it is. I've only seen Adam in one or two other things, and maybe he wouldn't have necessarily done the role it necessary justice. And the plot of the episode was so packed, they might not have had time to explore the depths of that properly either.

Ashtara Levin

Amy's motivation in this episode also doesn't sit with me so well.. The last time we saw her she was being turned away by Buffy at the door when they were trying to help Willow with her addiction, playing very much into the role of a junky looking for a hook-up. I'm fine with her holding a grudge out of jealousy for not having the same supportive group of friends that Willow has, but I think it would have been a better plot point if Willow really did bring it on by herself and Amy would have just "turned it up a notch" actually making Willow turn into Warren for real when the opportunity presented itself to her (while they were holding hands and "trying to reverse it") - Technically, Willow only starts to act like Warren right after then..

Ashtara Levin

I would have like to see more of Adam Bosch actually, it took me FOREVER to place him when I watched "Men at Work" - he is SUCH a good actor and as much as we hate Warren - we hate him because Adam was sooooo good at making him a believable villain, as well as a person, and I wish we could have gotten to see a bit more of that, but I understand - thematically - why they chose to do it the way they did, and in all honesty, it is Allyson's character after all - she should get the scene that breaks our hearts at the end. A part of me also thinks they did that because they were trying to sell us on Kennedy, and IMO, the actress they chose had better chemistry with Adam than they expected, I almost wish for that pairing more than I do for her and Willow..