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7x08: "Sleeper"

Next: Buffy 7x09 on Sun 12/11

SHEEEEESHHHHHH this episodeeee!!! I LOVE ME A SPIKE EPISODE AHHHH!! The drama of it all with him being like controlled (??) by some being and turning people into vampires, then figuring it out and remembering and calling Buffy to help him??? SHUT UP!!! I LOVE IT

and uh.... we arent gonna talk about the last scene of this episode with Giles <3 it simply didn't happen bc if it did happen, I am gonna actually fight Joss myself :) k cool <3

also very veryyyy sorry about the lighting later in this video…. im an idiot 🙃

okeeee hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




Blood of a Slayer, good for what ails ya.


James has said that, for whatever reason, he found that having to lick Sarah's shoulder was gross and he really struggled to do it. They had to try over and over. It's funny to think of him getting hung up over such a thing, compared to all they've had to do together.

Ron Fehr

Of course Spike could hurt Buffy, but remember she came back a little different. And remember she was the only human Spike could hit without his chip firing. He had tried to attack another human and it didn't work for him.

Ron Fehr

The song that phony Spike was singing, and that real Spike was humming, is called Early One Morning. If you you listen closely, you'll hear the man with the harmonica start to play it just as Spike is walking by.

Ron Fehr

I'm guessing that the Spike/Anya scene was put in mostly for a bit of comedy. And it's kind of amusing to have the Entropy reference recalled.

Ashtara Levin

I love the music taking over when that harmonica starts to play.. I'm not a musician, but they riffed it in some way, or built on it that it was the same, yet somehow sounded also ominous at the same time. Always loved that little touch

Ashtara Levin

Alley I genuinely laughed out loud at the last 2 minutes of your video with the camera settings.. Thanks for including it for us, it made the whole lighting thing feel like our own privet comedy sketch. Technically speaking It did bother me a little, especially toward the end when it got really dark, but seeing your continuous written comments about it I just decided "okay, we'll just consider this one a podcast" - so don't worry about it. You did all you could and it's not unwatchable.


Hmm, you like when a good character is secretly evil? Interesting


The title "Sleeper" refers to a sleeper agent, which is "a spy who is placed in a target country or organization not to undertake an immediate mission but to act as a potential asset if activated."

Marie Green

Alley wants full sunlight and the camera wants mood lighting. 👤

Blain H Granado

Spike may be a sleeper agent, but he won't sleep with Anya again lol

Ron Fehr

The people that spoke to the Scooby gang and Andrew, namely Joyce, Cassie, Warren, and technically Holden, all have one thing in common.

Lee Wilcock

You could say everyone was having conversations with dead people.

Janel Davis

"Soulless Spike would have had me upside down and halfway to happy land by now" might be one of my favorite lines in the whole show 🤣