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4x06: "Spin the Bottle"

Next: Buffy 7x07 on Wed 11/30

edit: no shot i exported and compressed the subbed version twice........... im gonna get the unsubbed up soon! sorry

edit 2: fixed! :)

Cordy has her memory bacccc!!!!! YESSSSS I AM SO HAPPY!!! and we got so many Cangel moments??? THAT END SCENE PLS SHUT UPPPPP!!!! THEY WERE IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ugh, this episode was so fucking good. Such a fun one, but also so perfect for Cordy to get her memory back and for Angel and Cordy to reconnect. And Lorne narrating this episode?? shut uppp, it was so perfect! I can't get over this episode!

hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




This is one of my favourite episodes in the entire show it is just so entertaining, I think David Boreanaz is so underrated when it comes to the comedic stuff and the nostalgia of Cordelia being more Buffy Cordelia was great, the only downside of this episode is all of the sexual stuff in regards to Connor it just makes me feel so icky which I am pretty sure is the intention it just makes me so uncomfortable I wish I could have a cut of this episode with those scenes removed and it would be a perfect episode for me

Ash Lee Can

"... homoerotic buddy cop..." *hides the Gunn/Wesley fics*


You may have picked up on it Alley but just in case…the line that teen Cordy says when she sees teen Angel “Hello salty goodness…” is the exact same line she says when she first sees Angel in S1 of Buffy. I always loved that callback

Ron Fehr

The events immediately following the spell going wrong kind of reminds me of the Buffy episode Tabula Rasa, except that everyone still knows who they are. At least, that's the episode that came to mind.


I see Cangel got some haters. The most mature relationship in a whole show. They feel like a grown up Buffy & Angel. Tabula Rasa and this episode are too good and too similar for me to decide.


You making me enjoy season 4 episodes. Lol I usually dip around this time. 😂

Ashtara Levin

LMO.. Did not remember Angel doing a bottle episode with Lorne actually bringing the Bottle.. a bit on the nose

Ashtara Levin

So much goodness for your next Angel QOTD once we come back.. Speaking of which - is anyone else having trouble reading the QOTD in Alley's new setting or is it just my poor eyesight?


Why do you think she said "what is this, season 1 Cordy?"

Ron Fehr

Yep, she was back to the same attitude she had back then. And her line to Fred about being best pals reminds me of how she acted towards Willow when Buffy first met her. Not the same words, but the same kind of derogatory comment.


"The first rule is: know your losers" Cordy speaking to Buffy about Willow


Gunn: I run my own crew. Wes: You can tell me about your seafaring adventures later.


I like the title of 'Spin the Bottle'. Their spin on a bottle episode lol The reason it works is that we've got established characters who've all undergone a lot of growth and development.