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4x02: "Ground State"

Next: Buffy 7x03 on Wed 10/26

Lets hear it for our girl Gwen <3 I am simply obsessed with her, I really reallyyyyy hope she comes back later in the season.

but yeahhhhh very fun episode with some heist moments and of course angel investigations finally seeing where Cordy is.... now how are we gonna get her back..?🤨

lol anyways, hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




I feel like Joss said, "What if we did Elektra, but the name was more of a description?"


I feel like this episode is a good example of why I DON'T like Angel and Cordelia together. Like, I will ship Angel and Buffy with my final breath, but even I will admit I see more chemistry between Angel and Gwen than Angel and Cordelia. Angel and Cordelia's relation is and should be platonic. His motivation can still be the same, he wants to rescue her because he loves her, but not in a romantic or sexual way, but for the same reason he'd fight just as hard as if it were Gunn or Fred, or even Wesley.


Oh, Alley... Rogue's been around a LOT longer than first X-Men movie... And Rogue couldn't touch people because she absorbs their power. So slightly similar, but Gwen's aesthetic is more like Elektra.

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

Tell me at what point of the season as you watch through it that Conner gets so annoying for you that he completely ruins the season for you forever. I'll wait.

Mary Kate

Yeah the kiss is stupid. There’s a podcast I listened to that surmised that in David Boreanez’s contract it says he needs to make out with every female who comes on the show. But yeah otherwise this is a great ep, glowy Cordy cameos aside. I always forget how great season 4 starts out. And agreed it’s stronger than how Buffy S7 starts. Looking forward to everything coming up!!

Henrik Holst

Gwen Raiden is a truly lovely tribute/nod to Rouge, Raiden from Mortal Kombat and Catwoman.

Henrik Holst

Rouge fits more with the backstory and the "not able to touch any one", then considering that her surname is Raiden it's not a long stretch to go to Raiden from Mortal-Kombat that shoots electricity out of his hands.

Paddy H-K

Yeah, I kinda put that kiss down to a rush of blood to the.. head?

Ron Fehr

Remember, there was the scene where Cordelia asks Angel to undress her. Of course, I'm assuming that's the scene that he means.


I kind of figured that was the scene, I'm mainly questioning what that has to do with my statement; unless they're suggestion that scene showed good chemistry between Angel and Cordelia, which I maintain, it does not. Besides them being possessed when that happened, it's an example of the show literally forcing the two characters into a romantic/sexual pairing. I hate that scene right along with all the Kyrumption crap.

Ron Fehr

I agree. There's different kinds of love, and there's should have stayed platonic.

John Alexander

The reason Gwen feels so weird is that (as the comments show) she's incredibly derivative of several well-known characters and she is (as best I can tell) unique within the Buffy-verse. Up till Gwen, all powers are either mystical or technological and having (essentially) a mutant just stroll in is weird. I'm not saying she's bad, I really enjoy her character but she's incongruous &amp; your subconscious feels it.

Ashtara Levin

There's a part of me that wondered if the kiss thing between Angel and Gwen was the writers/producers' way of testing out the waters, seeing what the fan reaction would be to a shift in the Angel/Cordy pairing, as by this point in history I think is when they started having a falling out with Charisma Carpenter. I gotta be honest, I see the appeal at having two such "tragic" backgrounds come together in a love story (Angel, no need to repeat, and Gwen, basically being cast out by her parents for her "talent" and ostracized by everyone, since she is incapable of touching - that is except vampires apparently.. ) But in all honesty, I love what Cordy brings out in Angel and what he brings out in her. The strongest connections are those that grow out of friendship, so that's why to me, they still are a superior match.


The kiss does feel weird, but I kind of get it. Others have already mentioned why both characters would do it. Also, they just used to have far more of this kind of thing in old TV. In some shows they almost had a "romance of the week" kind of deal. So this didn't feel as out of place back then as it does today. This season is...interesting. People have very differing opinions on it. They either love it or hate it. I think I know what camp you'll be in, but it'll be fun to see.


Is that lady with the wings in that one scene the same lady who plays the lady in Pylea who had Cordelia as her cow?

Richard Nothnagel

Alley, not only am I sure the people making this all saw Xmen when it came out, Joss wrote one of the versions of the script for it. He is blamed for Storm's cringe line about lightning towards the end of the film.


Hm... I would agree with this except in S1 of Buffy we were introduced to the invisible girl and then found out there are a bunch of them that seek help at this little academy or whatever it was they showed.

John Alexander

While not outright stated in the episode, it is heavily implied that the cause of the invisibility is mystical, not biological.