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7x02: "Beneath You"

Next: Angel 4x01 on Wed 10/19

BROOOOOO holy shit, Spike this episode?????? HELLOOO?!?!?? Absolutely bonkers insane, I am still screaming about the last scene and shot... LIKE CMONNNNNNN!! WHATTTT

This episode just made me so much more hype for this season with all the little clues they are laying out for us! So excited to see whats in store!!

AAAAND I am so excitecd to start Angel s4 next week!! istg if I start it and Cordy isnt in the title sequence, I am gonna actually track Joss down myself and give him a piece of my mind <3

lmaoo anyways, hope yall enjoyyyyy! :D



Leonard Ledung

Angel getting his soul back was bad for him, but he was kinda an asshole while alive as well, meanwhile Spike, well really William was a very gentle, kind and loving person, so i belive he feels worse about all the people he hurt as a vampire.


I actually think this season gives a lot of good character moments to Anya, and I thought this was a great episode for showing the conflict that Anya is having being a vengeance demon who was so recently a human on the side of good. It makes a good contrast to the conflict Spike is having - he is drowning in guilt and anguish over understanding who he used to be and what he did, and she is lashing out in anger over losing the person she used to be who is now living a life she isn’t sure she wants. I sympathize with her for what she’s been through, but at the end of the day, I still love the line of Xander’s when he says to her “Eventually that excuse just stops working”, because I actually think a lot of people let themselves off the hook for bad choices and hamper their own growth for way too long by casting blame for their own actions at the feet of someone who has wronged them. It’s easy to just get stuck in that place. Just because Xander hurt her does not make him responsible for her choices now. She chose somewhat impulsively to go back to vengeance, mainly because she wanted revenge on Xander, and but now she is stuck there and clearly conflicted about it. Rather than deal with her current situation, she just keeps blaming Xander for both her unhappiness and for her actions. He may have been the reason for her initial choice, but he’s not the reason she is stuck and making bad choices now. No matter who hurt her or how, ultimately she is responsible for her own decisions and their consequences.


about spike, i always got the sense that he was feeling embarrassed

Mark Zima

I just now watched the pilot episode of HBO's "The Nevers". Why do I bring that up here? Because that episode was written and directed by Joss Whedon, and it might be the most promising thing by him that I've seen in a long time. I'm looking forward to watching more. I recommend checking it out.

John Alexander

More people need this perspective. It's very much Rocket's quote from Guardians of the Galaxy, "everybody's got dead people, that's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way". Xander made a mess of calling off the wedding but he is entirely entitled to decide at any point not to marry Anya. This is not a thing that he deserves retribution for. Throw scorn upon him for his poor handling of it certainly, he deserves that much but actual vengeance ? Come now, that's an extremely immature position to take don't you think ?

Phoenix Dawn

It's both great and a bit of a mess. And going forward, Whedon won't be the showrunner. Who knows, it might even get cancelled.


And for the second time in this season, a meh episode with a BANG ending. Only this time, it was a seriously meh episode with what I consider the finest scene in the series. I did an essay on this scene -- https://www.patreon.com/posts/23260501 if you're interested -- just breaking it down. It's full of interesting choices, and the LIGHTING. OMG, the lighting. The performances. That final shot of Spike draped on the cross, the smoke rising as he begs for rest. Just... damn.

Ron Fehr

I wish that people who thought of the episodes as nothing special would just keep their opinions to themselves. Please, let's try to keep the comments more positive. Airing negative feelings is not going to make the episodes turn out differently. In my opinion, the only ones who should be able to do that are the reactors. After all, it's their videos.

Ron Fehr

Possibly it would be helpful, after having watched the rest of the season, to rewatch the first episodes to make sense of some of Spike's ramblings. Especially the parts where he seems to be talking about a third person being present.

Sheriff Uchiha

The "young woman" in the credits was the one at the start that got chased and stabbed by the hooded people. The one Zander was flirting with had a name, but I can't remember it. Also, Willow killed two people. Warren and Rack, the "magic dealer." And tried to turn Dawn back into the key, draining Giles to almost death and then tried to destroy the world. She did worse than just killing two POSs.

Ron Fehr

The name of the woman that Xander was flirting with was Nancy.

Sheriff Uchiha

What Zander was saying is that his leaving her at the altar was no excuse for turning a regular human into a demon and not only engendering his life but everyone around them. This is true, and Anya was trying to say that she did it because her Demon friends were turning against her. None of which was Zander's fault. She didn't have to become a demon again, and it was not anyone but Anya's fault for how she uses her powers. But Anya said none of this would have happened if he hadn't left her at the alter.


Douglas Petrie is often overlooked by fans and yet a lot of his episodes are some of the most beloved episodes of the series including Fool for Love. Outisde of Joss, I see people go on about the hilarity of Jane Espenson-penned episodes, the sublime horror themes of David Fury-penned episodes, and the mixture of comedy and melodrama from Marti Noxon-penned episodes. Douglas Petrie is just as good as any of them and is often tasked with the on-screen introduction of the big bad. He also introduced us to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, a character with one of the best character arcs for the entire Buffyverse. Petrie deserves more accolades for the writing on the show.


it's like the people rating the episode just remembered it as "the one where the worm eats the dog"


James masters acting this season is second to none! Outstanding