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link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xu96u0aukdoxl2i/Buffy6x19FullReactTHIS.mp4?dl=0

link w/ subs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/64qf0vp8lc9jw5f/Buffy6x19FullReactSubbedTHIS.mp4?dl=0



I am currently at your intermission, I also just had to stop for a sec to so it kind of worked out for everyone. This episode hits hard, for many reasons. But I will admit that one part of watching reactions to Buffy always kind of hurts me. Now that you have seen my reason why I don't care for Spike and Buffy as a pair. So many want them to get together long before they did, but I can not erase that scene from my head. Even seasons before this happens I still know. I never recovered from the scene I guess. I don't know how James was able to do it, but I know he took steps to make sure he would never have to do another like that again. Okay now that I vented I can press play again, Thank you.

Ross Nolan

I laughed at Buffy's 'ugh' expression when she entered the Trio's lair and noticed the model of Vampirella. I know it was probably just meant to be a 'oh that's gross' moment but given we've gotten a few hints that Buffy secretly has quite nerdy tastes (she can explain the difference between 'Q' from James Bond and Star Trek for one...) I like to think she recognised the character from the comics and was extra annoyed the Trio had picked a vampiress superheroine to fantasise about.