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Hellooooo so this has been on Thor's patreon for a while, so I thought I should post it here before the edited version goes up tomorrow on my youtube channel!

This was so fun (and I apologize about how bad my video looks in this, I am an idiot that still doesn't know how to do collabs apparently 🙃). Thor was amazing to talk to and see what he was thinking of one of my favorite seasons :D also super fun to see the reaction to the twist in real time 😉

Here is the link!




Allan Cornett

So cool. I have been waiting for this team up.

Hannah Weber

Yay!!! Aw todays my lucky day!

Allan Cornett

I loved Thor and Alley talking about BTVS before the reaction. I could listen to that for hours. I stopped watching the reaction about 15 in. Too much was missed by Thor and much of the witty dialogue was talked over. I hope Thor watches the episode again so he can hear all he missed. Maybe he was too excited watching with Alley.

Tim St. Croix

3:30 "I love season 1." I've said this many times: most Buffy fans started watching the show in the later seasons and then caught up with season 1. Considering the high quality the show achieved across the board later on in writing, directing, production value, etc., season 1 does suffer in comparison. But if someone starts watching from the beginning they're not disappointed that the show isn't meeting the high standards they haven't become used to. If that makes sense. 1:21:00 'Angel' the series. Alley, I've been with you since your very first Buffy reaction. One thing that made me mad was people in the comments telling you that you should react to the 'Angel' spinoff. You were on the pilot episode and people were already spoiling season 3.

Marie Green

This was great! Both of your reactions during the reveal were perfect.

Henrik Holst

Buffy at the end was clearly due to her reliving the trauma of experiencing Angelous again. Aka her PTSD got triggered.


Hmmm, makes sense but they definitely don't make that too clear. They lean into the Angel/Faith aspect of it as more the source. It'd be much more interesting if it was Angelus PTSD tho

Mary Kate

Isn’t it a trip to see how far Cordy and Wes have come from this point?!

The Value of Life

Why season 1 gets no respect: Season 1 = One of the best shows ever on television Seasons 2 - 7 = Even. Better.

Henrik Holst

yeah I think the Petrie was simply confused there on why some one like Buffy would have an issue with this whole situation, it would not be the Angel+Faith thing.

Chris Hanley

Honestly the details on how the came up with the plan aren't really that important when it comes to good story telling. Good writting is as much about what you don't tell your audience as what you do, which is what makes this episode so satisfying. Your head cannon is just as good as an explanation as any other, we as the audience know as bout as much as Xander and that is we knew exactly what we needed to know.

Timotey Kuhn

A-fraking-men on the thing with Angel. FAR too many Whedonverse "fans" on Patreon, never mind the soiled grounds of Youtube comments, are such "overenthusiastic" dipshits who seem genuinely and bizzarely incapable of comprehending that a place like a reactor who has NOT YET SEEN what they've ( the "fans) seen is NOT the place to be going on about how excited they are for the "next episode" and "I can't wait for you to see......", etc, etc. You really want to slap these people hard in the head until it draws blood so they learn to shut the hell up.