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6x11: "Gone"

Next: Angel 3x11 on Sat 6/25

invisible!Buffy was suchhhh a fun ride oh my godddd 🤣 this episode is forsure in my top 5 for funniest episodes on this show, i loved it so much!

and Willow still doing her steps, I love that for her :') ugh, this episode was just so fun but also had some good points for moving the plot and I thought it worked very nicely after the last few episodes. 

and the effects and everything for this episode?? pleaseeeee I need to know everything there is to know about how they made this episode, bc it looked so good and I love bts stuff haha.

anywayssss, hope yall enjoyyy! :D



Mikayla Welker

say it with me: GASLIGHT!!!


Um...did Patreon eat my comment? Or did I inadvertently break some kind of rule?


David Fury was in "Once More with Feeling" He was the guy who sang "I got the Mustard Out".


If you look back on the series as a whole with Willow and magic, it’s kind of built up, especially when she loses a love interest. In S3, Willow tried to use magic on herself and Xander to delust each other, in S4 when Oz left, Willow again resorted to magic to want to curse him and make her pain go away, and now she went further with her addiction to using magic it led her to dark magic. So it was sprinkled in to show her character and how it lead up to this point


The episode was written to give Gellar a break and also explain her haircut. She only had to do a voiceover.


The bike ride can be a bumpy one. It has its supporters and haters. I definitely changed my mind a few times. One thing it isn’t, is boring.

Michael Mammano-Cheydleur

I hated how they handled Willow's addiction storyline SO MUCH. "To witches, they're like bongs." Like, it's bad enough that they took a potentially interesting exploration of Willow's character (an addiction to power and an escape from her teen self) and reduced it to a clumsy drug metaphor, but like... this isn't a witch problem. It's a Willow problem. Oy.


I really dislike this ep. I would skip it on a rewatch. So much of the evil trio,I just can't handle them and was not a fan of invisible Buffy.