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3x01: "Heartthrob"

Next: Angel 3x02 on Sat 4/2


okay, lets just talk about what some of you may immediately jump to at the end... what the FUCK? we gonna get a demon baby??? twilight breaking dawn would like to have a discussion <3 i am.. still at a loss for words on.... that whole situation 😳

anywaysss, this whole episode was sooo good!! loved getting the flashbacks, seeing Angel's grief as well as connections with vamps from his past. just everything worked so well together :)

hope yall enjoyyy! :D



Andrew Pulrang

The scene with Dennis being so silently and gently kind to Cordelia is one of my top ten moments in both Buffy and Angel. It’s a such a beautiful callback. And it completely makes sense that Dennis would end up being devoted to caring for Cordy in ways the others can’t — or at this point even realize she needs.

Chase Allen

Are there Dropbox links for angel s3 and buffy s6 yet or how do I watch these haha sorry I'm dumb