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2x22: "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb"

Next: either Buffy movie or unaired pilot on Wed 3/16 (when I said movie previously, it looked like more people would be interested in the unaired pilot? I will eventually do both, but not sure which to do first)

SOO we finally finished season 2 of Angel!! Oh my goodness, this season.. is just so freakin good. I cant get over how perfect an ending this finale was for all the characters :') I love seeing them all grow, and I am soooo happy they all came back!! EVEN LORNE!!!! AHHHHH I am sooo hype about that!

The finale was filled with a lot of fun stuff.. and then a very sad sad ending with a guest appearance.. 😭 OH GODD, season 3 is gonna start out SAD.. cant wait.. 😥

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the ride that was season 2 of Angel, I certainly did!

Enjoy the finale! :D



Cameron Ferguson

Love the movie for what it was (even though the actress playing Buffy in the movie is a super bigot nowadays and overall terrible person LOL) but the unaired pilot is definitely a lot more fun! Cant wait for you to watch either and can't wait for Season 6 of Buffy!!! BTW can someone send me a link to discord? I can't find the link unfortunately.

Alley Box

connect your discord to your patreon and you will be added automatically :)


I think the question is not what is so urgent about Angel to push it to the front of the watch list for next season but rather why delay Buffy even more! ?