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5x19: "Tough Love"

Next: Buffy 5x20 on Sat 2/12

Can we PLEASE leave the lesbians ALONE?!?! 😭 LEAVE EM ALONE!!!!

OH MY GODDDD.... put me outta my misery, I cant with this season anymore 😭😭 THIS IS YALLS FAVE SEASON lmaoooo, yall really are sadists

haha, I kid, I kid. Seriously, this episode was so insane. Loved getting to see more of Willow and Tara.. of course, it ends like THIS, but a girl has to take what she can get!

BUT OOOOO BOI, we are getting INTO the Glory plot and I am EXCITED!! I am so hype to see what happens after the last scene!! and also... Willow?? Honey... what the fuck was with the flying and black eyes? be careful PLEASE 🥴

Hope yall enjoy... knowing yall sadists, you probably will ;) haha




Buffy: “I really like poetry. I really do.” Me: “If you like poetry, you should find boyfriend who has been writing poetry for over 100 years.” It’s crazy Bike logic.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I love this episode, I just have one nit pick. I know that Buffy is a bit all over the place but it seems odd that she thinks that Willow won't go off and attack Glory. It's almost 100% the same scenario as Giles after Jenny's death. Willow even says 'I owe you pain' which is entirely the reason Giles went after Angelus. He didn't expect to come back from that. Does Buffy believe she could have stopped him? She had to punch him to stop him from trying it again and at that point Giles breaks down so it worked, I guess, eventually. I dunno, I feel like she's conveniently forgotten that so that the writers can have her let Willow go. Or she could have referenced that, in fact Spike could have, he was there ffs. It's just annoying when a show is usually consistent and then it ignores a huge moment in the character's life so that they could have a scene where Spike can point out to her that Willow is probably off there right now. It actually makes a hell of a lot more sense to have Giles warn her of that tbh and she's with him when Willow leaves. Did Giles really just stand there and go lalala it'll be fine, I can't imagine anybody doing something so silly as to go after revenge lalala. It just kinda bugs me in an otherwise AMAZING episode