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2x17: "Disharmony"

Next: Buffy 5x18 on Wed 2/2

OKAYY, this episode is Harmony's episode AND I AM HEREEE FOR IT! Oh my goodness, I had no idea I needed an episode where Harmony comes to LA to hang out with Cordy and then ultimately gets recruited by a vampire cult... BUT I LOVED IT lmaoo

This was such a fun episode to watch after the last couple Buffy episodes.. Definitely what I needed haha 😅

Hope y'all enjoyy!

To access past reactions, use this link: bit.ly/AlleyBoxArchives



Richard Nothnagel

Anyone else have audio issues with the subbed link at around 9 minutes in? I tried reloading it a few times but eventually switched over to the nonsubbed link and had no problems. Some of my favorite visual humor was in this episode with Willow swallowing her toothpaste to Angel doing a happy dance with Cordy. Loving the reacts, Alley!

Joshua Gosdin

Iconic indeed! Regarding your looking for something to analyze, this show is pretty consistent that if a vampire is the main antagonist of the episode, it is a metaphorical reflection of Angel (most of the time). From the pilot, Russell was a sadist insulated by others who acted with impunity. Spike brought in Marcus, a king of torture (like Angelus used to be), and it was really Angel torturing himself in that episode. Penn (Jeremy "Hawkeye" Renner) was one of Angelus' earliest sired (if not the first) and was carrying on with an unchanging routine of victimization, representing how Angel was afraid he would never be able to grow from what he used to be ("I wonder if anything ever really changes."). And, of course, Darla represented Angel's past, while Drusilla represented his shame. Here, with Harmony and Doug, Cordy actually gets in on the metaphor action. Harmony is how Cordy sees Angel through her resentment - unrepentantly selfish despite Cordy's best efforts to support and reform her. Meanwhile, Doug's "embrace your vampire self" line is basically the mistake Angel made earlier in the season which separated him from the team. Angel killing Doug (and never once going into vamp face all episode) represents him regaining control of his vampire self. At least, that's my perspective. :) Friggin' hilarious reaction! Loved it as always, thank you!


Also had issues. It cut out twice for me, but the second time it cut out it only lasted a few seconds.