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2x16: I uh... hm, I forgot the name of this one... wait, oh yeah they said it like 53 times. "Epiphany"

Next: Buffy 5x15 on Wed 1/19 (just giving myself an extra day bc I thought I was able to talk for 30 minutes straight again, but my throat has decided against it lmaoo)

Did Angel lose his soul?? NOPE, ANGEL INVESTIGATIONS IS BACC BABY!! I mean, they never left, it was just Angel being extra, but HE CAME BACC 😭 Him apologizing and getting the gang back together made me soooo happy oh my goodness :')

But damnnn, what a complete 180 turn around from me thinking Angel was gonna become Angelus again dfkjcfhcd. Nope. He actually decided to go back to his frens :))

Hope y'all enjoyyy! SOOO excited to be back :D I missed you guys!




I always liked this episode because it felt like the light at the end of a long tunnel. I watched the series when it originally aired. One week's airing was Buffy's "I Was Made to Love You" and that shocking ending followed by Angel's "Reprise" and a second shocking cliffhanger ending. The next week started with "The Body". By the end of the that Buffy episode we NEEDED this episode to pull us out of the depths of despair and give us hope that things could get better now that the Angel gang was back together. Also (mentioned a few times above) a cool impact form the show is demonstrated through a buzzfeed article from 2014 (10+ years after Angel aired) www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/the-daily-show-found-a-woman-in-russia-to-speak-out-for-lgbt


Excuse the eight month late comment (I'm catching up on your Angel content atm 😅) but when you mentioned the director's name being Thomas J. Wright I was like... that sounds familiar... and it's because he worked on Supernatural! AND he directed some of my personal faves: 11x10 "The Devil in the Details," the iconic Destiel ep 12x10 "Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets," and THEE 11x04 "Baby."