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5x13: "Blood Ties"

Next: Angel 2x14 on Mon 12/27.

EDIT: will post Tues 12/28 actually.. sorry, underestimated how exhausting the holidays would be 😅 im a walking zombie without energy rn lmaoo

hope those that celebrate have an amazing christmas!! i will see you guys after the holidays :)

OKEEE, so Dawn... PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BE CAREFUL 😭 I WAS SO NERVOUS THROUGHOUT THIS EPISODEEEE. Ugh, and this season is STILL making me tear up? Why is s5 literally the saddest season ever? Like chilllll 😥

But yeahh, we also got a whole lotta Glory this episode, as we should <3 what an icon

aaaaand I let yall know how uh.... obsessed I have become with Spike and uh also bike 😳 3 I quite simply am obsessed, and I am sorry.. lmaooo

hope you all enjoy!! :D




I love your newest obsession with spuffy - aka, Bike, haha! So here for it! I love thag you did fan edits! Lemme just say, when you have finished both buffy and angel series’ there are TONNES of INCREDIBLE fan edits. For the shows, for all the ships and couples and relationships (family/ friendships)… there are really cool edits of like the vampires lives in chronological order, even! Funny stuff, emotional stuff. Gah! So! Many! Fan edits! I would adore it if you’d do reactions to fan edits once you are done with the shows - i can happily recommend some when the time comes lol!

Katie Cline

as an editor (a spuffy editor as well) the intro is hilarious to me